Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Happy Dance

One of the first emails I received today was a little woo-hoo from a fellow swapper that I had a card on Stampin' Up!'s Stamper's Showcase.  That is SU's version of a gallery where demos send in their samples & sometimes they get chosen to be displayed!  I hadn't ever posted it in case they did choose it, but it was a while back so I had forgotten about it.  Since I am busy getting ready for convention, this is a perfect time to show you the card!

All Through the Year SU Sample

This card uses the retiring In Color Soft Sky and All Through the Year set, as well as Simply Said for the sentiment.  The flowers are stamped on Kraft in White Craft ink; the centers are punched with the Anyhere Punch tool, and the stems were pierced with the punch, both found in the Tool Kit.  I finished it with a simple Soft Sky ribbon. 

Remember that tomorrow is Wednesday, the day of our Color Throwdown Challenge!  Since I will be leaving tomorrow afternoon for convention, I won't have any more postings after that until I return home on Sunday!  So be sure to stop back tomorrow to see what the CTD girls have come up with !  Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Another beautiful card featured on Stampers' Showcase. Congratulations!


Julia Aston said...

Congratulations LeAnne! you are HOT with your cards lately!! this is so pretty with the soft colors and piercing! have fun at convention!

Nancy Riley said...

LeAnne, I just saw your card on Showcase and hopped over to your blog to see if you knew. CONGRATULATIONS!!! It's an adorable card!

Have a BLAST at convention, okay?! Enjoy every single moment. Maybe next year I can attend and we can meet in person!

Tammy Hershberger said...

Congrats on Stampers Showcase! What a cute card!

Have fun at convention if I don't get a chance to tell you before tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I keep swearing to make more cards and then I spend the entire day HERE on the blogs. I bought a "hole maker" that makes the holes in a line and I put it away. AWAY with the other AWAY goodies that I buy and never use.

I wish you could beat me up, mentally.

Denise Marzec said...

CONGRATS on being chosen in the SU gallery...that's awesome!! Great card!

Just in case I don't get another chance to blog hop before you leave, have a GREAT time!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being featured on Stamper's Showcase!! Job well done, girl! :)
Be safe traveling to & from Convention. I know you'll have a blast there! Take care.

Big hugs,

Jean McKenzie said...

LeAnne, I am so sorry I missed your birthday so here is a very happy Belated Birthday wish for you!! Have a wonderful time at Convention and Congratulations on having had your card picked for Stampers' Showcase! You know I love all your cards!

Cheers from Down Under, Jean

Renee said...

I love this! So soft and pretty!

Anonymous said...

Congrats LeAnne! This is a really beautiful card!

Anonymous said...

You are so talented and that's why I'm giving you an award...for details check out my blog http://pforpink.blogspot.com/

Kim Gasper said...

This is so cute! Congratulations on Stampers Showcase!