Thursday, June 13, 2024

FMS640 Ouch!

Happy Thursday, everyone!  Our congregation at church has had a rash of young man was hit head-on by another car and broke both arms and legs; one older lady was on a treadmill at the local Y and fell off, dislocating both shoulders and breaking her nose and chin, and another older lady fell and broke her hip!  I had used up almost all my get-well cards, so when I saw the sketch at FMS, I thought it would be fun to use for my next card.  Here's the sketch:

I pulled out my trusty Back On Your Feet set, found some fun papers to use and went to work:

This card is really uber-simple! I diecut the plaid with the Radiating Stitches die and then found a scrap of Granny Apple Green polka-dotted paper that matched, so I stamped my turtle directly on to the DSP and fussy-cut him out.  A stamped the sentiments from the same set, diecutting them with an Ornate Frames die, and added a slightly larger one under Mr Turtle to make him stand out a bit better.

The sentiment was stamped in Old Olive on the inside.  

I hope all my friends are back on their feet soon!  We miss them!  Thanks for popping in today! Enjoy it and be blessed!

Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments for this is the duty of all mankind.  For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.  Escclesiastes 12:13-14

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Back On Your Feet (ret)
Card stock & Papers     Basic White, Granny Apple Green DSP (ret), Sending Love (Gina K)
 Ink Versafine Black, Old Olive
Accessories Dimensionals
Tools     Cut & Emboss Machine, Radiating Stitches Dies, Tasteful Labels Dies (ret)


Wendy said...

Oh my goodness, that is some very unlucky stuff but after they get one of your beautiful cards I hope they will be on the mend soon! Always loved that turtle and the sentiment that went with it! Super cute!

Bonnie said...

I'm sorry you've had so many mishaps among your friends, LeAnne. I'm sure the cards you've sent them help in their recovery. This one is going to bring a smile to someone's face!

I Card Everyone said...

Oh, LeAnne! How awful! Your darling card and turtley awesome design are sure to give each one of those friends smiles for miles!

Denise Willerton said...

Such a sweet card LeAnne .. and yes, that’s an ouch for sure. Prayers for healing for your friends ((hugs))

Linda Callahan said...

I love tat turtle! Perfect get well card!