Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Freshly Made Sketches 59


Happy Halloween, everyone!  Stay safe out there!  Well, today is my last day as a Guest Designer at Freshly Made Sketches, and I must say, I had a blast!  The team is wonderfully talented and I enjoyed working with the sketches, as well as being able to design my own!  Here’s the last one for October, created by the fabulous Cindy Hall:

I had some leftover scraps on my desk from these cards, and they were just right to work into this sketch!  I did flip the sketch so that my little banner was pointing in the right direction:


I added a few embellishments, a sweet velveteen ribbon and I was done!  I just LOVE this!  Here’s in the inside:


I can’t wait to send it to someone on their special day!  Be sure to check out what the other designers made using this sketch, and share your creation as well!  You can find everyone’s samples at the Freshly Made Sketches blog!  And remember—any questions?  Shoot me an email!

Sharing a gingersnap and milk with Lambie!




Happy Halloween to Everyone!


Be safe, everyone!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Happy Tuesday, peeps!  One final Halloween-themed ColourQ challenge from Arielle:
I wish I had a whole lot more time in my day….I’d love to make some pillows or a banner like this!  I was a bit saturated with Halloween, though, so I went in a different direction with my card:
I have noticed that my CQC cards lately have been very similar….I need to think a bit outside the box, I guess!  I’ll try to work on that!  For today’s card, I used this sketch from Less is More, even though it’s not really as clean & simple as they like, I still liked the sketch itself:
I used the hexagon set from PTI, cutting down the template to be narrower and using three of the four challenge colors for the hexagons:
I added a button, ribbon and a skinny pinked border---done!  Hope you can play along!  Be sure to check out all the fabulousness from the other designers at the ColourQ blog….they never cease to amaze me!

We did make it through the hurricane unscathed for the most part....never even lost our power, but we do have two leaky spots in our ceilings from water blowing in behind the dormers, so that will have to be repaired, but the Lord really watched over us!  Thank you for your prayers and kind comments!  They mean the world to us!


Monday, October 29, 2012

CAS194 & IB47


We are still on hurricane watch here in SE PA, and we still have power, so I was able to get a little extra stamping time in today!  I was thrilled to have this card chosen as a winner for the last Inspired By challenge!  Woohoo!  So of course, I wanted to play again this week because look at this fun inspiration photo:

The clean and simple challenge at SCS was collage style, and I love that as well, so I did a one-layer card incorporating some vintage images with a pink typewriter from Established Elegance:


I stamped my typewriter in Blushing Bride, then using my SU grid paper, I made a mask for the front of my card as well as a mask for the typewriter, and sponged the inside with Sahara Sand ink, then stamped my collage images.  A simple saying from Blessings from Heaven and my one-layer card was done!


Praying that everyone is staying safe, warm & dry on the east coast!  And thank you to those who have been praying for us…we appreciate it!

Cassidy playing with some fun buttons sent to me by my friend Martha:


Merry Monday 39


Merry Monday, everyone!  Another super sketch from Lesley….I really had a lot of fun with this one:

Another vintage one….sorry!  Just can’t help myself!  I found some fun papers in a MME Fly a Kite tablet that were perfect for a vintage card:


Here it is from the other angle:


I am thinking that this Santa has rather a stern visage!  But I still love him!  I also added a panel of vintage newsprint, to help it qualify for the Sugar Creek Hollow challenge of “Texting-Vintage Style”!  I think the sentiments on the front as well as the inside qualify for “vintage” text, too!


I hope you’ve been following along with us, increasing your stash of Christmas cards this year!  If you’re just starting, there’s still time to get ahead!!!  Share your pretty creations with us at Lesley’s blog, Playing With Paper!  As always, feel free to email me with any questions you may have!

Cassidy has learned her colors and decided to decorate the porch handrail with ALL of them:




Enjoy your day and thanks for visiting!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Paper Players 119


Happy Sunday, everyone!  Nance has a wonderful sketch for us today!  Check it out:

My “get well” card supply was completely diminished, so I thought I had better remedy that!  Nance’s sketch was perfect for a masculine creation:


No coloring involved here, I just let that rich Midnight Muse hue take center stage with this rustic image from Countryside.  I used some papers from Comfort Café, embossed the horizontal piece with the Woodgrain embossing folder and added some circular elements with the sentiment and a paper button:


I hope you can find some time to play with us this week, as long as you aren’t inconvenienced by a hurricane, and share your creation with us at the Paper Players blog!!!  Thanks for visiting!

Checking out the sundial; she informed me there were “bugs”!!!




Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sympathy Trio


My friend asked me to make some sympathy cards for her, so I pulled out an an assortment of nature stamps, along with Blessings from Heaven, to make them:DSCF0373



All papers, except for the pink scalloped border, are from MME.  If you have any questions, shoot me an email!  We are gearing up for Hurricane Sandy, which is due to hit here Monday or Tuesday.  They are calling for severe flooding and power outages, so if I disappear, you’ll know what happened!  I am really concerned for my father, as he lives right on the coast where it will make landfall….I hope he will heed the evacuation notice!

Cassidy playing in the leaves……




Friday, October 26, 2012


Happy Friday, peeps!  Just a couple little Halloween things to share with you today!  I saw this adorable inspiration photo on the Papercraft Star challenge:
Our Next Challenge
LOL, these witches crack me up!  I had already started coloring a Mo Manning Halloween image, so my colors really didn’t coincide with the inspiration photo, but I thought I would play anyway:
I printed it off and colored it with some Copics….really quickly, not a lot of fancy-schmancy shading or highlighting here!  I added a little picket fence border and a retired SU sentiment matted on some Summer Starfruit embossed cardstock!   Her images just make me smile!  This is also for the Blogger's Challenge Friday, Witches and Goblins!
I always send my niece and nephew some Halloween goodies; now that my niece is in college, I have to send out TWO packages!  This is the tag I put on her animal-print gift bag:
And after seeing Mary’s project here, I decided to make my nephew one of these treat holders!  I haven’t done one of these for a long time, but they’re fun & easy.  I did mine with a 12x12 sheet of cardstock and some old Halloween paper scraps.  A little bit of stamping (he doesn’t really appreciate that part of it!!!) and it is in the mail:

We had some really warm weather a couple of days ago…perfect to play “house” in the yard, especially with some new Hello Kitty boots to keep our feet nice & dry!
Thanks for popping in!