Thursday, April 28, 2016

Baby Boy Card

Happy Thursday, peeps!  When I saw the Stamp, Ink, Paper challenge yesterday, I was disappointed, because I didn't really need any baby cards:

SIP Theme 45 800

Then a notice popped up in my inbox that one of our church families just had a baby!  Yippee!  So I went to work:

I used a retired Project Life card to cut my Pear Pizzazz panel, using a Chalk Talk die; the banner is some retired DSP, and the sentiment is from Itty Bitty Banners.  The stamped stars are from Holly Jolly Greetings, and the star diecuts are from Simon Says Stamp and My Favorite Things. I used the colors from ColourQ and the sketch from Paper Craft Crew:

                 Paper Craft Crew Card Sketch 192

Now my only problem is that when I double-checked my email, the couple had a GIRL....duh!  So you'll have to come back tomorrow to see that card, LOL!

Meanwhile, check out my be-spectacled girls....yep, Cassidy got glasses yesterday!  

Enjoy your day!


Summer Loving Gal said...

LeAnne, I couldn't believe when I got to the bottom of your post and saw the beautiful picture of your girls with Cassidy in her new glasses. Ironically, my granddaughter who is 6 just got glasses! LOVE watching Cassidy grow. What a special blessing our granddaughters are. :-) Your card is really cute too!

Linda Callahan said...

Love how bright and splashy your card is! And your girls are beautiful......Cassidy looks adorable in her new specs!

Joyce said...

Love your bold collage using our colors this week. It is fantastic. And, as a mom of a glasses sporting gal, I always love to see beautiful girls in glasses.

Lisa Elton said...

Well fancy that, God knew just what you needed to make a special card for a new little bundle from Heaven!! I like your fun mix of patterns and the way your worked your magic with the colors. Thanks so much for joining us at ColourQ! Your girls are so CUTE!!

Jen Mitchell said...

Ooh, nice take on that sketch! And I love the way you've mixed up these colors with paper, ink, and some cool stars! Woo hoo to Cassiday and her new specs! She looks even more grown-up with them!

barb mann said...

Hello LeAnne - I like the card but I LOVE the picture of your girls. Cassidy looks adorable with her brand new glasses. Just like her mommy! TFS... Barb

Crystal Komara said...

Hi LeAnne, this is a fun interpretation of our sketch this week. I love the mixture of colors and that it's not a "traditional" baby card. Thanks for joining us at the Paper Craft Crew this week! xo Crystal

Sylvia said...

Love your baby card, LeAnne, I am not fond of doing them either! Yours is so fun! Love the glasses on your girls. Happy you played with us this week at the colourQ.

Gingin said...

Love your baby card LeAnne! I love the colors and elements you used. Thank you so much for joining us this week at Stamp Ink Paper :)

Jan Clothier said...

I love the way you mix colours and patterns together with such apparent ease! Another great card!

Cindy Coutts @ Cindy B Designs said...

This card is just awesome, colors, everything. You nailed this one and it's one of my favorites for this week! Thank you so very much for joining us at the Paper Craft Crew this week for our sketch challenge and we sure do hope to see you back for our next challenge!

Unknown said...

LeAnne, WOW! Adorable baby card. The details are perfect. I love the layering on the star along with the stitching. Awesome color choice. You rocked the sketch. Thanks for playing along with the Paper Craft Crew. ~Pam, DT

Deborah Smart said...

Well, of course your daughters are your best creation, LeAnne -but your card is a wow, as well! I love the combination of the 2 challenges, and all those starts are fabulous. I'm so glad that you joined us this week for the Paper Craft Crew challenge :) ~Deborah

Kathryn said...

Your card is fantastic for both Color Q and papercraft crew! Boy cards are such a fun challenge but you are clearly rocking it with this one.

Silke Ledlow said...

Awesome use of these colors...sweet baby card!