

Monday, February 1, 2021

Happy Mice

Happy Monday peeps!  Wow, we are having some crazy weather here in PA...snow, sleet, more snow, wind and COLD!!  Perfect day to stay inside and stamp!  I made a little birthday card for my stash using three challenges:  Perfectly CAS#11, Inspire.Create #083, and Addicted to CAS #190:

So here we go:

I began by stenciling my "pattern" on the bottom of a Thick White card base with SU's Basic Pattern Decorative Mask in Coastal Cabana with a blending brush.  The mice from Colorado Craft Company were stamped in Memento Black, then colored with Blends and diecut:

I added some Wink of Stella to the gift, although you can't see it, added a sentiment and some sequins....I am not quite sure how that lime green one got in there....might have to do some surgery to remove that one and replace it with another, LOL!  The final addition was stamping the inside sentiments:

I'll add this to my stash; it will probably go to a sweetie pie from church!  Thanks for popping in today!

Cassidy had to make a Valentine's project for school and she chose to make a mailbox, with a little help from Mommy!  Every good project starts with a rough drawing (and can you see the long division problem up in the corner?  I am so impressed her school teaches the good old-fashioned way!):

Some measuring and tracing:

Mommy's hands are a little stronger, so she cut out the cardboard pieces:

As well as putting the hot glue gun to a good workout:

I'll share more later!  Enjoy your day and be blessed!

"Therefore everyone who hearts these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash."  Matthew 7:24-27

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Birthday Wishing (Colorado Craft Co)
Card stock & Papers     Thick Whisper White
 Ink Memento Black, Coastal Cabana
Accessories Sequins from my stash, Dimensionals
Tools     Big Shot, Birthday Wishing Dies (CCC), Blending Brush, Basic Pattern Decorative Mask


  1. This pair looks adorable surrounded by those polka dots! Darling card, LeAnne. Can't wait to see Cassidy's finished project, looks great so far!

  2. Oh those mice! Adorable card! And Miss C's project looks great so far!

  3. Those mice are so cute! Great stencil inspiration too - I always feel like I don't use stencils enough! I am off to dig some out ...

  4. these guys put the dot in polkas, LeAnne! and I don't mind the lime green sequin a bit! SO cute!
    Can't wait to see the finished project - it sure is looking sturdy enough to mount!

  5. Ack!!!! This card is soooo stinkin’ cute!! Love the polka dots and the placement of those adorable mice. Great card!!! Can’t wait to see Cassidy’s finished project!

  6. Super adorable card. Thank you for joining the Perfectly CAS Challenge.
    - Joy Dsouza

  7. Love those mice, and their grey colouring works so great with that lovely green and pink. Thanks for playing along at Perfectly CAS, Anita x

  8. LeAnne, your cute mice with their dotty background is the sweetest thing I've seen today! Thanks for coming to play at ATCAS this fortnight :) Vicky x

    PS VERY impressed with the work in progress with the mailbox and am looking forward to seeing the finished article!!

  9. OK.. LOVING the long division!!! Seriously takes me back and I still do it when I don't feel like getting out my phone/calculator! What a wonderful project.

    Now.. this card.. made me LOL. What a darling pair. I love the colors and the stencil. Once again you have shown how adroitly you can move from one style to another.

    So glad you joined us at ATCAS this week

  10. These Anita Jeram mice are so cute against the stenciled background.
    Thanks for sharing at Perfectly CAS. :0)


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