

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

ColourQ108 & CPS241


Happy Tuesday! Happy ColourQ day! Here’s the palette we have to work with today:


I had done a Halloween project using these spooky colors, but I changed my mind and ending up making a baby card!!! Here you go:


It felt a bit odd using black ribbon on a baby card, but I think the contrast was nice! I did some paper-piercing of my little chicks, and the embossed polka dots and buttons echoed the design of the DP.


I used this week’s Card Positioning System sketch as well:


And here’s a peek at the inside:


Thanks for visiting! I hope you will play along with these fun colors---a great chance to finish up those last-minute Halloween cards! Be sure to visit the CQC blog to see what the others came up with using these colors, and share your creation with us as well!

Pumpkin is getting a little more used to Cassidy as she learns to be “gentle”:



And even tries to “kiss” her:


Oops….Pumpkin is not quite ready for that—she’s gone!


Wee Details:

  • Stamps: Friendly Phrases, Sweet Spring, CHF
  • Paper: Whisper White, Peach Parfait, Daffodil Delight, So Saffron Patterns DP, Salt Air DP, Cosmo Cricket
  • Ink: Stazon, Peach Parfait
  • Acc: Circle & Tag Nesties, Polka Dot Embossing Folder, Buttons Embossing Folder, Narrow Grosgrain Ribbon, Button & floss, Pumpkin Pie Marker


  1. Adorable little birds! This is a great sketch!

  2. Cute card- love the take on the sketch! And Pumpkin is a VERY patient cat. One of our cats now tolerates our 4yr old son to touch her if she's with my husband or I. Our other cat still glares at him as if to say, "When are you going back to where ever it is you came from - leave!"

  3. Super cute baby card LeAnne ~ your creativity is brilliant ~ I love visiting your blog, have a wonderful day with Cassidy, she is SO adorable! Enjoy :-)

  4. What a cute card, what a cute cat, but that granddaughter of yours takes the cake!! I love peeking in on your blog to see your wonderful creations, but I also love seeing your pictures of Cassidy.
    Thanks for always sharing with us.

  5. Totally cute card! Love how you used the colours. Love those green eyes Pumpkin has and good for him for being more patient with a toddler. Our cat could relate LOL!

  6. Cute card with those little birds on it!!! I look forward each day reading your blog and love the comments you have about Cassidy, she is such a cute little thing and has a beautiful smile!

  7. This is so sweet! Loving your card also :)

  8. Leanne, I love this color combo and I love what you did with it and I hope I'm retired when I get grandkids so I can take care of them and have wonderful pictures like you get to take! Love her with the cat! What a beautiful, sweet and gentle little girl!

  9. Oh Pumpkin you need to stick around. Sooo sweeeeet! I love the pictures and your card is adorable too.

  10. Sweet post and cute card, love the embossed bottons on the side.

  11. As much as I look forward to your card creations, I have to admit I equally anticipate your photos of the adorable Ms. Cassidy. She is just the sweetest lil thing!

  12. Love those cute little birds. I have never seen the button embossing folder before!! wow it is cool. That card would make anyone Happy!!


  13. I see you've really got those creative juices flowing....I LOVE this card! Pumpkin and Cassidy are adorable together!

  14. Awwww, such sweet pics...Pumpkin is patient for a kitty. ;) I LOVE your sweet baby card. ;)

  15. What a cute card, I love those dotty chicks. Thanks for your lovely comment on my card :)
    Jenny x


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!