

Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy Surprises!

Wow!  I have been really blessed with surprises the last few days!  First, this project was chosen to be highlighted on the Cocoa Challenge blog!


Then, this card got me the distinction of being the Friday Mashup Maven for the week!


And finally, this card earned me Chic of the Week at JUGS!


Now here’s a card I made for Wednesday’s SCS sketch challenge, but just hadn’t posted yet:


This uses a digital stamp I found on Etsy and a sentiment from Whippersnapper’s Winter Schminter along with some BG papers.  And I actually used my Copics again!!!  I haven’t decided whether to make this a Christmas card or a birthday card for a special someone!  It sure resembles everyone bundled up around here---it’s extra cold this week!  But here’s a sunshiny smile…..had to capture it fast, as there were not many of these yesterday:


She was not a happy camper most of the day, so there weren’t too many good photo ops!  We’ll keep our fingers crossed for today! 


  1. Congrats, LeAnne. There's lots of crafty goodness here!

  2. Congratulations on your "awards". Always enjoy your creations -- and especially the second "downline"!

  3. Well happy surprises to you LeAnne ~ you deserve every bit of this LeAnne ~ ENJOY!!!! and Cassidy is adorable as usual ~ hope you have a great day with her today!

  4. Congrats on the honors-deserved. I keep saying this, but that is one sweet, pretty, happy baby!!

  5. You deserve those awards LeAnne! Your skills and creativeness are wonderful and need to be "showcased".
    Way to go!

    And that last picture of your "smiley girlfriend in the hot pink, off-the-shoulder ensem" is darling. One smile can make the whole day seem happy, right!

    We had 3 inches of snow last night and more to come winter is finally here. Be blessed, Martha

  6. Congrats on the well deserved recognition! So much eye candy today, and I love the sweet wintry image on the last one. I hope your grandbaby has a better day today!

  7. Huge congratulations on all of the awards and special recognition you earned! Well deserved for sure!
    Looking at Cassidy' cute OshKoshB'Gosh overalls is too funny! I just got back from that store about 10 minutes ago! I had to exchange an outfit for my DGD real quick, and then got outta dodge before the masses swarmed in! Thank goodness I'm an early bird! LOL It's REALLY cold out there today and feels like s***!!

  8. I just have to tell you that I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing your grandbaby grow & change so much. She is adorable!!

    I am having baby cravings lately & I look forward to her cute little face every time I open your feed thru my email.

    THANKS for the daily smileS! :O)

  9. Congrats LeAnne on all of your awards!!! Sorry, though chicka...have to say that your last photo is the sweetest!!! lol! Have a great weekend :)

  10. These are some great cards..esp love the cocoa challenge project!

    Thanks for visiting my blog...I'm not following you via SC.

    Thank you!

  11. Many kudos for all the great awards. They are well deserved.

  12. Congrats on all your winnings!
    Fabulous work on all!

    beautiful wee one!
    hugs & blessings!

  13. Wooohooooo! Congrats! You deserve it! :D

  14. Kudos on all your recent successes! You are a true superwoman! Creating your cards and creating a happy life for sweet Cassidy.

  15. Woohoo for you!!! LOVE seeing Cassidy again, 'specially wearing her OshKosh! I used to have TONS of those for my girls!


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