

Saturday, December 11, 2010

SSS86 & C4CC2


Just a quick post today---this card is for Korin’s Sweet Stop Sketch 86:


and the Crazy for Cocoa Challenge 2, which is to make a Christmas card with a Cocoa image:


I used some non-traditional Christmas colors here to match my Cosmo Cricket Jolly by Golly mitten & hat paper---too bad so much of it is covered up!  I gave little Cocoa a hat and some mittens too:


The sentiments are from Sweet & Sassy as well; image is a digi from Korin!  Gotta run, my oven is calling me!  TFL!

  • Stamps:  Holiday Greetings, S&S
  • Paper:  WW, Baja Breeze, Rose Red, Daffodil Delight, Jolly by Golly, Cosmo Cricket
  • Ink:  Baja Breeze, Rose Red
  • Acc:  Copics, MS Snowflake Border Punch, PTI Ribbon, dimensionals


  1. How sweet, LeAnne!!! I love how you dressed Cocoa up with your super cute paper. Thanks for playing along with the challenges :)! Hugs!

  2. Cocoa looks cuter than ever with his hat and adorable mittens! What a great card!

  3. Oh now this is super cute, love cocoa's hat. Thanks for playing at Crazy4Cocoa and The Sweet Stop this week.

  4. OH how cute! I love what you did with this Cocoa image! thanks for playing with us.


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