

Saturday, February 22, 2020

A Couple of Challenges

Hi everyone! Happy Saturday!  Love the weekend!  This crazy weather we're having here in PA---it's supposed to be in the 60s today, after 20s yesterday!  Hopefully we can go outside and enjoy some fresh air!  Anyway, I saw the Just Us Girls challenge this morning and it was a fun tropical one:

I had a friend ask me to make some "tropical" cards recently, and although I didn't have any tropical-themed stamps, she said beach-themed ones were okay, so this is one of the cards I came up with, and I thought it would fit the challenge:

I used a Balmy Blue card base with some DSP from a couple years back.  The shells and starfish are from Close to My Heart's Swirly Seashells, stamped in Stazon on watercolor paper and colored with inks and an aquapainter.  I fussy-cut them out and layered them on the front.  She didn't know if she wanted to put a sentiment on the front or not, so I stamped a few, diecut them and gave her some glue dots, so if she wanted to add them, so could do it herself!

My second card is for the Fusion Card challenge:

I chose just to do the sketch; I have been hoarding this little eyeglass paper from My Mind's Eye My Story 6x6 pad, so I decided to just USE it!  And there's no stamping on it!!!

The glasses were fussy-cut from a scrapbook embellishment from the same line; the diecut "hello" is from Poppystamps, called "Hip Hello", and the hearts are from the Detailed Bees die from SU:

Simple and fun!  This will probably go to a friend in the hospital to cheer her up a bit!  That's it for sure to stop back tomorrow as I am the hostess for the Paper Players!  Enjoy your day and be blessed!


  1. Perfectly tropical, LeAnne!! and I just found a card that I made years ago with a pair of these wonderful specs! Darling - sure to bring cheer to your friend!

  2. Very cute cards to start my day! Great DSP!

  3. I love this paper so much I may have to case your card and make mine a home decor piece. I really need to stop hoarding paper. Thanks for the idea.

  4. what sweet cards LeAnne ~ the beach and sunglasses!!! doesn't get much better than that! Love the DSP's xo

  5. You have the coolest patterned paper! What a neat idea to give your friend her choice of sentiments along with glue dots. Can't wait to see your challenge tomorrow. Enjoy your 60's. It was 47 when I woke up this morning and the high today will be it!

  6. I think those shells fall under the tropical category! Two fabulous cards LeAnne. Those cute pink specs are sure to bring a smile to your friend!

  7. Love the beachy card LeAnne and I am especially fond of the fun specs card - I'm sure it will brighten up your friends day!

  8. Your beach-themed card is absolutely delightful and yes, wonderfully tropical! Your colouring of the shells: WOW! Impressive! Your second card is also a gem; those fabulous frames bring a smile to my face!
    Thrilled to see you in the Just Us Girls gallery!


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