

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Speedy Santa

Happy Saturday, peeps!  Can you handle another Christmas card to cool us off?  Actually, it's not too bad outside today!  I think our heat wave has broken!  Anyway, the sketch at CAS(E) this Sketch was too intriguing to pass up, and the Happy Little Stampers had a Christmas challenge with a Santa option, and Little Red Wagon also had a Christmas in July challenge!  So this is for all three!


And here we go with what I call "Speedy Santa!":

I saw this stamp used on Karen Dunbrook's card here several months ago and just fell in love with this cute retro Santa!  I tracked him down...he's made by a stamp company in New Zealand called Flonz, and they have some really cool images!  I stamped him in Real Read, fussy cut just the front portion out, then mounted him on an embossed card base of thick white cardstock, and added a sentiment from Close to My Heart:

This embossing folder really makes for a beautiful's almost pretty enough to stand alone!

And on the inside, another CTMH sentiment!

Thanks for popping in today!  Be sure to stop back tomorrow with the second round of our 400th Paper Players anniversary!

This is only one morning's picking of the bounty of zucchini we've gotten from the garden so far....last year we had hardly any.  I am slicing and shredding and frying and baking....I am seeing zucchini in my sleep!

I wish I could share it with you!  Enjoy your day and be blessed!

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Vintage Santa (Flonz), Santa Claus Holiday, Be Jolly (both Close to My Heart)
Card stock & Papers     Thick White, Whisper White
 Ink Red
Accessories Dimensionals
Tools     Big Shot, Christmas Words & Dots EF Set (Sissix), Layering Squares Framelits


  1. You did a great job with the two challenges. Do you know how many stamps and embossing folders you have? I love zucchini fried with onions. What we get down here doesn't even come close to fresh grown from up north. Have a wonderful day.

  2. What a fun and cute card LeAnne. Love it.
    Those zucchini look great. I love zucchini. :)

  3. What a FABULOUS and brilliant take on the sketch. So striking in just red and all that glorious white. I adore this card - could not love it more, LeAnne. Thanks for playing with us at Happy Little Stampers July Christmas Challenge.

  4. Fantastic card! I love that image and I love how you used it. Thanks for joining us at Little Red Wagon.

  5. LOVE, love, love this! Never can get enough red & white + CAS too!

  6. Your speedy Santa is pretty cool. You've really made him seem like he's flying across the front of your card! I love that retro image and I'll be checking out the images at Flonz too!

  7. Oh, this is so fun! Fabulous take on the sketch!

  8. Oh, what a CUTE take on the sketch, love this!!

  9. Cute card - and loving your garden bounty! My zuccini are prolific too; missing my oven to try the bread recipe you gave me, having to get creative with salads and BBQ! Have tried a couple of new recipes that are yummy - let me know if you'd like them to try.

  10. VERY CUTE Xmas card! Love the red and white and that funny Santa! Wish I had a few of those zucchini's! XX


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