

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Mojo Monday 348


Happy Thursday, peeps!  I haven’t played with the Mojo Monday sketch for a while, so I used it for a little thank you note I needed:

I used some MME papers from the Honey Cake line, and an image from Crafty Secrets’ For the Birds:

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings Crafty Secrets Birds Stampin

And a sentiment on the inside from SU’s new set, Something to Say:


…all stamped in Tangerine Tango!

John found this awesome wooden art center on the street, being thrown out…can you believe it?  It has pull-out drawers with pastel crayons and an easel, and Cassidy loved it!


She drew an ocean, and I helped her draw some fish and a shark, onto which she added teeth:



Getting into the details!


Enjoy your day!


  1. WOW! What a find! I'd like something that nice, too!

  2. Ooo my it they knew there was 2 great art girls down the street ,
    She's just getting so big and prettier , hugs to both of you ,
    Love your orange card !!!!
    Hugs frenchie ,

  3. Cute card! Isn't amazing what people throw out? We got Liam an easel a few years ago for Christmas but when he wants to paint, it has to go on the deck- pain the butt! A neighbor curbsided a LOAD of toys (an entire toybox of Geotrax!) and things including an amazing wooden easel. Needless to say we now have an indoor easel and a deck easel.

  4. Love your tangerine tango card LeAnne ~ enjoy your day and time with sweet Cassidy!

  5. OMGosh, what a find for Cassidy! That's awesome!

    Gorgeous card, LeAnne... LOVE the orange!

  6. Oh my goodness that is an amazing art box. Who would throw that out? So glad John picked it up.
    Very pretty card!

  7. Love the mix of patterns and those sweet birds LeAnne! What a GREAT find for Cassidy, should be hours of fun for her!!

  8. I love those sweet birds!! Is that paper still available? The art box is soooo neat ~ what a terrific find. Always love to see your creations.

  9. Wow look at how Cassidy is concentrating on her work of art. Cassidy will get lots of enjoyment of out this great find. I can't believe someone would throw that out. Beautiful card for this week's Mojo Monday sketch. That bird image is so sweet.

  10. LeAnne, your card is just the polka dotted leaves on the patterned background! My daughter played with a Barbie House for years that someone had out on garbage day! This art box was destined for Cassidy:)

  11. That tangerine is perfect, especially since it my daughter's favorite color.


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