

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

ColourQ 230

Hi everyone!  Happy Tuesday….and happy ColourQ day!  What do you think of this palette?

Oooh la la!  Never in a bazillion years would I be able to wear these shoes…not only would I be taller than DH, but I would probably fall flat on my face.  But they do provide an awesome palette!  I used the Pals Paper Arts sketch for this week:
for my simple card today:

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings ColourQ230 Banner Blast SAB Stampin Up

I used Coastal Cabana instead of Cool Caribbean, and the new SAB set, Banner Blast!  I think this is such a fun set, especially with this color combo.  I love that pop of black!  I stamped & punched the banners, “stringing” them on some linen thread:


I love the matching punch, makes short work of popping these little banners out!  And my PP teammate Nance reminded me that I hadn’t used my Needlepoint embossing folder lately, so I used it on the Summer Starfruit panel.  A couple of little pearls finished it off!

I hope you will find some time to play with us this week….you can see all the lovely samples at the ColourQ blog!

The floor makes a good surface on which to put one’s coloring book and crayons:


But then, it seems more fun just to line up the crayons….


and since we’re learning about patterns, they have to face the opposite direction!!!  Enjoy your day!


Supplies used (click on the photos for details and shopping!):

Table built using Product Table Builder by The Crafty Owl - Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.


  1. Beautiful card,LeAnne. Is that your grand daughter? She's adorable. And thank you so much for dropping by my blog and leaving some love.. <3

  2. And how fabulous the needlepoint folder looks here! Adorable the banner and the pop of black. Cassidy's love of lining things up sure brings back memories or Arden at that age--so cute! p.s. I love my Crafty Owl table!!!

  3. Cassidy brings back memories of the inspiration derived from a new box of pointy crayons! ...and the Crayola 48 at that...

  4. This is so cute! I never think to use that sweet edged embossing folder and it looks great! Emma chews crayons or throws them........guess she's not ready

  5. Greetings from beautiful Colorado. I love this card LeAnne. Very cute. Oh that Cassidy is so cute and getting bigger all the time.

  6. Cassidy, I WANT YOUR SOCKS!!! Will you share them with me? :)

  7. I just love the little banner LeAnne. the pearl to dot the I is cute too! Ahhhh nothing like a new box of crayons!

  8. I think my feet hurt from just looking at that shoe! It is a lovely color palette though. I looked at your card, declared it lovely and then thought that it lacked a greeting. Then and only then did I see the "hi" and felt silly. Now it is complete!

  9. She is making pattern.That is so cool. She is so smart!
    Very cute card!

  10. This card is absolutely adorable! Such a fun take on this week's PPA sketch! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  11. Love how you made your own patterned paper with the little flower from the Banner Blast set. Your downline would have been happy to get their cards! And, I always love your scrunchy bows:)

  12. I love to see how Cassidy lines things up all the time.......too cute! I love these shoes;) I love your card too. The embossing on the Starfruit panel is so pretty. My Banner stamp set is on the way and I can't wait to put it to use. You make it look fun to use along with the matching punch.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!