

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Shabby Tea Room 191


Happy Monday, peeps!  I was honored for this card again at the Shabby Tea Room, and so today, I am pleased as punch to be the guest designer for this challenge:

Photo Inspiration #191

‘Shabby Fall Party’ – create a card/project inspired by the photo and include a banner, cupcake, orange and yellow.

I searched my stash and came up with some papers that complemented each other and fit the challenge, along with my Circle Card Thinlits to make this card:

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings The Shabby Tea Room 191

I find sometimes these flip cards do not stay closed, so I made a belly band to fit on my card, embellishing it with some orange ribbon and a Vintage Faceted Designer button.  My cupcake is paper pieced and glittered up with some Dazzling Diamonds and accented with a little banner from Pennant Parade and an orange toothpick!   Here is the card partially open:


I extended the right side panel of the card and gave it another fold so that there would be more room to write a sentiment.  It shows on the front of the card as the polka-dotted one.

And here is the inside: 


I love the fun colors from the inspiration photo, and I hope you’ll play along this week as well at the Shabby Tea Room!  Be sure to check out all the designers’ awesome creations! And I'll be along later with my Merry Monday challenge as well!

The rallying cry in our household these days is “I’ll do it myself”!  Here, she moved my wreath and holder, got her stool from the bathroom and was jumping on it, trying to insert a DVD into our flat screen TV (the DVD player is part of the TV)!!!!!  Needless to say, she couldn’t jump quite that high, but she gave it a good try!

Wee Project Details
Stamps Pennant Parade, Birthday Centers (ret CHF), Cupcake Collection (PTI)
Card stock & Papers     Naturals White, Tangerine Tango, Sunshine DP (My Mind's Eye)
 Ink Tangerine Tango, Stazon
Accessories Orange Grosgrain, Vintage Faceted Button, Dazzling Diamonds Glitter, Toothpick 
Tools     Circle Card Thinlits, Big Shot, Pennant Punch, Dimensionals


  1. That is really an adorable card! Do you have that flip die? Or did you do that with a circle die? I have seen a few videos and I want to give it a try. It looks like fun. The belly band was a great idea. Really adorable!
    Oh what determination! That can be a good thing someday. LOL

  2. Absolutely LOVE your card here LeAnne!! I have this die on my wish list! :) Hopefully soon...

  3. Adorable card and I wondered about how those thinlet
    dies would work. Mine are still in the package. LOL! Have a great day.

  4. Love the inspiration photo and love your card! Adorable for sure! And I am encouraged by Cassidy - that means someday someone will stop hanging on my leg!

  5. What a great card. Fabulous take on the insp. picture. Love watching kids grow up and want to do more :)

  6. Such a pretty card LeAnne, you've captured the inspiration photo perfectly!

  7. This is fabulous LeAnne, I love the glitter!

  8. That's a little scary there Cassidy;)
    So great to see her wanting to do things on her own though this one could prove a bit disastrous:(
    Sweet card LeAnne. I love the papers and the band to hold it closed. That's a beautiful inspiration picture isn't it?

  9. Hooray!!! How did I miss your win! So sorry! Amazing card, love the bold look!

  10. LeAnne, what a great card! I love your colors, and belly band is a perfect solution! Very inspirational.


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