

Monday, July 22, 2013

More Merry Monday!


Happy Monday, peeps!  Hope you had a fabulous weekend!  It finally cooled off a bit and it was refreshing to NOT hear my A/C running 24/7!!!  We are almost through July---can you believe it?----and we are still having the “Anything Goes” challenge at Merry Monday!

I saw a lovely challenge at Festive Friday as well, using pink, white and silver:

So here we go:

Merry Monday LeAnne Artistic Outpost Frosty & Friends

I am a wee bit disappointed at the photograph; it really doesn’t capture how cute and sparkly this card is IRL!  The mat and holly leaves are brushed silver cardstock, not flat gray, and the glimmer paper mat and Dazzling Diamonds glitter REALLY shimmer… you’ll just have to take my word for it, okay?   Here’s a little better closeup:


I stamped my sweet wee girl in Smoky Slate and just colored her cheeks and background with some Copics, then mounted her behind a photo frame, cutting out the top of her hat to go over the frame.  She is a cutie, isn’t she?  The sentiment was stamped in Versamark and embossed with silver embossing powder for some additional shine!

I hope you’ll play along with us this week….the submissions so far have been fabulous!  It’s a wee bit overwhelming…I don’t think I have been able to comment on too many, so hopefully I’ll get over there and leave some love real soon!  You can check them out yourself at Always Playing with Paper…you’ll be sure to be inspired!!

A little Delaware shore sun & fun time for Miss Cassidy (in pink as well!) this weekend:


Enjoy your day!

Wee Project Details
Stamps Artistic Outpost Frosty & Friends
Card stock & Papers     Whisper White, Pretty in Pink, Pink Pirouette,  Silver Glimmer Paper, Brushed Silver 
 Ink Smoky Slate, VersaMark
Accessories Holly EF, Pink Gingham Ribbon, Lil Inker Holly Die, Lil Inker Photo Frame Die, Silver EP, Dazzling Diamonds Glitter, Copics
Tools     Big Shot, Heat Tool


  1. What a sweet sweet image!! This is a darling card LeAnne and I DO believe you on the sparkle subject!! Lovin Cassidy's Pebble Flinstone hairdo, she looks so darn cute!!!

  2. Oh this is wonderful!!! I love the sparkle!!!

    eek! Cassidy is so stinkin' cute! Love her scrunched up nose...hehe!

  3. unique holiday colors!! so pretty!

  4. What a cutie pie she is!! Love the colors and sparkle on your design!! :)

  5. Wow oh Wow I love this. And I know how beautiful it is because I know that paper. Wonderful card!
    Oh I remember the fun on the Delaware shore. Cora is out in the boat right now with her parents and Grandpa.
    TFS Hugs, Linda

  6. What a sweetie, both your Miss Cassidy and your image. Love your pretty, curled ribbon, too. It's a precious Christmas creation.

  7. Love the pink cheeks on your vintage image! Thanks for playing along with us at Festive Friday!

  8. This is such a sweet image and I love how you've done it in silver with only her little cheeks PINK!!! Adorable! It's such a pretty card! So happy you've added it to the inspiration at Festive Friday!!!

  9. It's GORGEOUS!!! I love the sweet image you used, and I can just imagine how gorgeous this is in real life! Thank you so much for paying again this week at Festive Friday!

  10. I saw your lovely Christmas card on Always playing with paper Merry Monday - you might also like to enter this into my CHNC challenge extra for July - I'd love to see it there too. x

  11. Your card is stunning! I pinned it to my Christmas board. I just ordered this stamp set. I have made Christmas cards with the image of this sweet girl from the internet for years! So happy to see it in stamp form! :)Jill

  12. Lovely little girl and a sweet card as well.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!