

Thursday, June 20, 2013



Happy Thursday, peeps!  I have a sweet little card I made yesterday for the Word Art Wednesday challenge.  I think I have only played their challenge a couple of times, I’m not sure why….they have a beautiful Bible verse every week for you to use, so I am going to try to hit their challenges a wee bit more often!

They have a vintage-style sponsor this week, so I pulled out some vintage-style images and papers to go with this week’s verse:


Not much stamping….just a wee bit on the tag;  the digital verse is colored a bit with some markers, but the rest was just cutting and adhering!


The children and pup image is from a Crafty Secrets journaling pad; papers are MME Stella & Rose, Mabel.  Of course I had to add a shabby bow:


I find I am needing get well cards more often lately, so I am sure this will be put to good use!

Cassidy’s outfit yesterday morning…she chose the boots herself!


I kept looking at her dress all day…you may see these colors and images in a card someday soon!

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  1. Beautiful card here. Hugs Bev x

  2. Very cute image and a wonderful verse. Pretty card LeAnne. Cassidy is rockin the boots, looks like a mini country super star!!

  3. Your card will bring happiness to the ill person you send it to. It is gorgeous with its vintage style. Your coloring of the letters makes it extra special.

  4. Cassidy.....a girl after my own and more pink;) Such a little fashion diva.
    Oh yes, I can an inspired card coming from this dress. I know it has my wheels turning here.
    Pretty card and wonderful verse today. I have to check out this challenge.

  5. darling verse on your Beautiful card LeAnne, and yes Melon Mambo, Crumb Cake and Black and White card coming right up. LOL! Cute pic of Cassidy. Happy Stamping, Hugs, Bev G

  6. Oh my gosh LeAnne - Cassidy is almost in college already LOL!!!! look how grown up she is !

    Love your sweet card with the vintage image and wonderful verse - perfect for a get well card!

  7. Absolutely adorable card! And the BOOTS! They remind me of the red cowgirl boots I had when I was 4. The print in that dress resembles Stampin' Ups! Secret Garden!

  8. This is absolutely stunning! What a blessing to have you join us this week. I enjoy your art SO much and I thank you for stopping by to play along.
    Word Art Wednesday

  9. Such a sweet card! As for the outfit, I wish Liam could match his outfits half that well when he picks them out on his own. :)

  10. Such a sweet card LeAnne! I love Cassidy's boots! She's so cute!

  11. Oh my goodness, that LOOK on Cassidy's face is priceless! She has great taste with those pink boots. Yee haw!! Your card is beautiful, too. :)

  12. LeAnne, what a gorgeous card! Thanks for using my scripture art for your Word Art Wednesday creation. It looks fantastic the way you've used it. I have that same My Mind's Eye paper pack and I LOVE those papers. A totally sweet card. I have a brand new blog( hope to get back into it again. I've missed it and missed seeing all your artwork. I have some catching up to do!

  13. Beautiful image and verse! Love the fonts and the background of the verse! Cassidy is good at getting her outfits color coordinated!

  14. What a wonderful design and color combo. I am glad to see how you incorporated the free Word Art this week. It's awesome! Thanks for blessing us with your artwork at Word Art Wednesday this week. Hope you'll join us again. Big hugs, always!

    JO ANN


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