

Friday, August 24, 2012

Christmas Card Stamp Camp Cards

Here are three of the cards we made recently at my Christmas in August stamp camp.  I usually keep my cards very simple, but we do use the Big Shot a lot, and I try to introduce new sets and projects wherever I can!   These are all easy to duplicate, not too thick to mail, and are fun to make!




If you have any questions about anything, just shoot me an email!

Speaking of Big Shots, my friend Athena lent me hers to use for this camp and I had it on the floor, waiting to return it to her.  Guess who decided to use it:




She knew just how to crank it, too!!!  She’ll be making a card soon!


  1. Super cute! I especially like the last one. Clever use of the tree bark embossing folder.

  2. That little girl is too stinkin cute. Your cards are so sweet, but that blue one is my favorite :)

  3. great cards and perfect for stamp camp. Oh Cassidy will be making cards before you know it. I would lock up anything you don't want her to use now.

  4. Aww LeAnne, I had to giggle when I seen the Big Shot on the floor and Cassidy playing with it! I was thinking too, that soon she'll be stamping! :)
    Loved all 3 of your Stamp Camp cards! I am attending a party tomorrow and i'm anxious to order the Scentsational Bundle and maybe the Winter Memories set....we'll see! :) Thanks for sharing your pretty cards!
    Happy Friday!

  5. Oh boy you are going to have a helper very very soon.
    The camp cards are wonderful.

  6. OMG so darling LeAnne. Love the pic of her turning the handle. I love all your Holiday cards. Don't you have a big shot you goof? Or is it an extra one for the camp. I have two of them one from SU and one from JoAnnes. Have a good night. Hugs, Bev

  7. Oh I forgot to thank you for your kind comments on my blog.
    Hugs, Bev


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