

Monday, July 16, 2012

CAS Patterned Pines

Happy Monday, peeps! My garden overfloweth, and I am bound and determined to not let it get away from me like it did last year, so my card today is super-duper CAS!!!  It is for the Less Is More challenge #76, which is one layer, three elements, as well as the Jingle Belles challenge of using red OR green, but not both.  I guess in doing pine trees, I should have used green, but I already had my Real Red stamp pad on my table, so I lazily went with that!
This is a little 4 1/4” square card; I rounded the corners with my 1 3/8” circle punch and used the piercing tool to make the “hills”.  I masked and stamped each one of the trees, then added my sentiment from Petite Pairs.  A little glitter sticker added to the top of the trees, and you can’t get any simpler or easier than this! 
Now, on to the eggplant, peppers and tomatoes!  Enjoy your day---here’s a few shots of Cassidy with Grampy helping her be a good builder!
She just loves to see it tumble, too!


  1. Well your so CAS card is CAS fantastic! I love those red trees. I think the gardens everywhere are loving this heat. Be careful taming the it, its a jungle out there!

  2. This is one of my favorite stamp sets. Love the color combo!

  3. Hi! I love your CAS Christmas card; the paper piercing is a really great touch!!

  4. I love the trees in red! Wonderful CAS card (and it will be easy to mail!) :) Thanks so much for my goodies, I might CASE those cards with my new stamps! :) Hope you are having a good day! **hugs**

  5. Love your CAS tree card. As to the weather - it's been raining here since MAY!


  6. I love that you used your red ink on those trees! Great card, my friend!

  7. Love your card, red trees & all. The paper piercing is a perfect touch.

  8. Awesome CAS Card love the red for the trees and the details you added!

  9. Gorgeous LIM card LeAnne, cute pics of Cassidy too :) Viv xx

  10. A wonderful card... and the red pine trees are more than "just fine"... I'm not even sure green would look much better. Red goes extremely well with that beige.

  11. This looks great LeAnne, the piercing looks fab.
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  12. This is a great CAS card. I love the trees in red and the piercing looks good too. I hope you were able to get the garden work done that you wanted.
    Tumbling towers and fun with Grampy - sounds like a perfect day for Cassidy:)

  13. Terrific out of the box thinking -- I would have probably gone with standard (boring?) green trees -- but yours pop!

  14. What a beautiful one layer Christmas card. Those tress are really decorative and the paper piercing is a lovely detail!

  15. LeAnne...Every once in awhile I just have to tell you how much I love your blog, granddaughter, family and especially your talent. Thank you again for being you.

  16. ok, first i have to say ♥I LOVE THIS♥ in every respect: for its divinely clean one-layer C&S aesthetic, for the pristine stamping, image placement... the piercing... just every single element totally works!

    but also... when i saw it in the gallery my first thought truly was, "how ♥FABULOUS♥ that the trees are that gorgeous rich red!!!!" because whereas green ones would no doubt have been very pretty... (& are undeniably ACCURATE!) ...the red just adds a twist of whimsy and uniqueness that i ♥LOVE♥!!! so there! :)

  17. Wonderful card i love the piercing xx Jan

  18. LeAnne, this is a wonderful card. I love the colors, since it is a Christmas card and I like the simplicity. Thanks for sharing.

    Linda D.

  19. What a fabulous card, I love the trees in the red, and the paper pricking looks great. xx

  20. Every one has green trees ... I love these in red ... it really highlights the cool designs ... so very glad you joined us at jingle belles.

  21. Precious card! Thanks for the reminder to paper pierce - I always forget how effective it looks.
    Happy LIMing!
    Rosey x

  22. I love your trees in red, and the pierced hills are brilliant!

  23. Superb card LeAnne
    Thanks very much
    "Less is More"

  24. Oh LeAnne, I totally want to CASE this! The green and kraft would have been equally lovely, but red is my FAVORITE color, so I am in *LOVE* with this real red card. The paper piercing is a perfect addition. This is simply elegant...hey, that would be a great name for a blog ;)

  25. These trees look lovely in red! great card.

  26. I like the red trees. And the hills you made.


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