

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Monkey 109


Hey peeps!  Or maybe I should say “sheeps” today, because my card has a sweet little lamb featured on it!  I used the sketch from A La Card Monkey for this week:

to make a birthday card for a special friend who likes to knit!


I used some new papers from the upcoming catalog called Comfort Cafe and one of the new In Colors, Midnight Muse, paired with Crumb Cake.  I LOVE this combination!  The little images from Hand Knit were simply stamped in Midnight Muse, punched with a circle punch, then outlined quickly (don’t look too closely!) with a Sahara Sand marker!  I did pop up the little ball of yarn:


and made a couple of little tags for a gift to tuck inside the envelope (pardon the bad photography here):


What a fun sketch!  Thanks, Terry & Shirley! 

Already Cassidy is a discerning artist, perusing carefully her blue crayon (every crayon is “blue” to her!):

b 2.21,.  ,. m


  1. Lovely! The color combination is beautiful and such a wonderful card for someone who knits (wish I did!). The tag is awesome. I can see these as hangtags on beautifully knit pieces. And your budding artist...what else can I say but "she's adorable"! But you know that already!


  2. Hi LeAnne! Hope all is well with you! Love your card... The colors are so soothing!!

  3. Cassidy is a class act! So cute, cute, cute. I love your card today, I immediately thought of Denise Willerton and all the other knitters out there, including myself in time past.

  4. I love your card , the colors are beautiful , and I see a new card maker on the way ! Cute ,
    Hugs frenchie

  5. Love that blue with Crumb Cake! Really pretty in every way! And Miss C is going to be an artist like her grammy!

  6. I love your card, LeAnne. Those colors are terrific, as is your paper choices. I especially love the little ball of yard popped up. That is so cute! Thanks for taking part in our A La Card Monkey challenge.

  7. Your card is so pretty with that new color combo, and I love the tags! The pic of Cassidy today is just priceless :)

  8. This card is absolutely adorable! Love everything about it and the tags, too.

  9. Such a lovely card with adorable images. Love your colors, too!

  10. I can think of about 100 women that would FLIP over this card! I'm included in that number as well. What a really sharp and attractive card and the knitting texture comes through perfectly!!!

    Lisa xx
    Also wanted to say thank you for your very kind comment on my blog. :)

  11. How perfectly lovely. Your card brings to mind a day when it's all good and your crafting goes well and delights your loved ones and you want it to go on forever...

  12. Great card Leann, I love the colors you've chosen, and I didn't look to closely, besides that's what's best about things handmade. Anyway adorable, and your sweet daughter is going to be just like mom I can see it now. Thanks for playing along with the Monkey Challenge.

  13. LeAnne - this is amazing!! I love the details you added to this card. The paper is divine, the yarn pop-up is genius and the outlining looks faboo! I love the way you used the Edgelits too!

    It feels so good to be back catching up on posts and commenting. I just love this card! Midnight Muse is bee-yoo-ti-ful!

  14. She will be a wonderful artist just like her grandma.
    Love the beautiful card. Great colors!

  15. Adorable card. I love this colour combo and these new papers are so pretty. I like the little tags too.
    So Cassidy loves blue like her Grammy?? She is certainly contemplating that crayon isn't she?

  16. great card, love those colors and the layout.

  17. Haha, that intense "crayon stare", is cracking me up! Too cute! Love your card, too. The pattern mix of the DSP is so pretty with that stamp set. Very pretty! :)

  18. Ahhh what a super cute card! I have not had a chance to use my new colors yet, BTW you make them look fabulious! I just love how you used the sketch! Thanks for joining us at A La Card Monkey.

    Shirley Pumpkin

  19. Cute - great color combo and I love what you did with the ball of yarn!! Sweet little artist :)


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