

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

ColourQ92 & Monkey Sketch93


Happy Tuesday! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend. It was fun, but exhausting! I am glad to be back in my boring routine! It’s ColourQ time and here is our palette for the day:


Reminds me of something from the Jetsons! Now I am dating myself! What a fun inspiration—I chose to pair it with the A La Card Monkey sketch & theme challenge this week:


The theme is summer fun, and here is my card:


I went super, super simple (not much time this weekend!) and turned the sketch on its side, used matching Patterns DP for my panels and a cute little Crafty Secrets beachy scene for my center panel:


My image was colored with Copics and I added a little shimmer to the water with a Gelly Roll pen; a gingham bow was the only other embellishment. I did stamp a couple images on the Tangerine panels, but they’re hard to see. The sentiment is from Lizzie Anne. I hope you will scoot on over to the CQC blog to participate as well, and while you're there, check out what the other designers have made! Thanks for lookin’!


Here’s my little firecracker yesterday at my nephew’s picnic:


Check out those “denim” diapers!


and with her great-granddaddy:


I’ll post more later! Have a blessed day!

Wee Details:

  • Stamps: Seaside, CS; Shore Thoughts, LAD
  • Paper: WW, Tempting Turquoise, Basic Black, Wild Wasabi and Tangerine Tango Patterns DP
  • Ink: Memento Black, Craft Vanilla
  • Acc: Nestie, sponge, gingham ribbon, Copics, dimensionals, Gelly Roll pen


  1. Awesome layout, love the fun colors, and that stamp set is one of my favorite beachy sets. Great card, LeAnne!

  2. You are so going to cherish the photos with great-granddaddy! Your card is gorgeous as usual even though you say it was super, super simple. I love how you added the turquoise - it makes the other colors pop!

  3. Look at that adorable cutie all decked out in her fourth of July outfit! What a precious photo with her great-granddaddy! Love your card, too. Fabulous coloring job. A perfect fun in the summer sun card.

  4. I love that toothy grin, and looking at GGranddaddy, she looks like, Ok am I supposed to be in awe or just afraid! I do love the image on your card. I did not order the Big top in the stamps, I thought they might be too small. I am going to have fun with these in MDS though. They would be perfect for party invite, banners, and thank you notes!

  5. Have to say....your granddaughter is so beautiful with quite the Personality. Love the picture with her great grandfather!

  6. I love this image and sentiment, LeAnne! Very pretty! And those diapers are a hoot!

  7. Your card is so serene. Lovely coloring job, LeAnne. This is adorable. Thanks for playing along with us at A La Card Monkey!


  8. What a gorgeous image! So very summer! I am loving that 4th July outfit, she is so sweet!

  9. Such a sweet card. The baby steals the show...of course. ;)


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!