

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Card for a Friend


Ah, summertime….the livin’ is easy….NOT!  The garden is growing, so is the grass; vacation and travel plans pull at me for their attention, and my stamping/blogging time suffers.  SO, if I haven’t commented or visited anyone, please know I am here……just busy!  I promised myself last year I would not let the garden go to pot again, so even though I would much rather be stamping, I may be picking beans!  Okay, that said, since I haven’t stamped much new, here is a card I made a couple weeks ago for a sweet friend, using Fabulous Florets:


I stamped some of the images on a page from an old book, then stamped another image and colored it with reinkers, cut it out and popped it up on the book page. 


The card itself was wheeled with the Very Vintage wheel and then embossed with the Elegant Lines EF.  Finally, I added a big bow and tag from Tiny Tags. I love this look!  Thanks for visiting today!

Wee Details:

  • Stamps:  Fabulous Florets, Tiny Tags, Friendly Words Wheel
  • Paper:  Peach Parfait, Pear Pizzazz, Confetti White, page from an old gardening book
  • Ink:  Stazon, Tangerine Tango, Pumpkin Pie, Pear Pizzazz, Soft Suede
  • Acc:  Ribbon, Tiny Tag punch, Dimensionals, floss, Elegant Lines EF


“Dirt Cake” is aptly named----can you see the “dirt” under her mouth!!! LOL!


  1. LeAnne, this took my breath away! I had to post it to Pinterest immediately! Love the stamping on the book page and the gorgeous colors. Absolutely beautiful!

  2. Good morning LeAnne! This is an awesome card! Love the colours and the embossed card base over top of the stamping...SO pretty! I know what you mean about a busy summer...I just wish I was able to sleep in! My body won't let me!! ARGH!

  3. What a beautiful card Leanne. The colors are awesome and the images are perfect. Great textures!

  4. I love your card, LeAnne, and the pic of you and your baby girl. So sweet! Might try to semi-CASE that card, if it's okay by you. I really like it!

  5. What a pretty card. Almost looks like a window card-love the stamping on the book page.

    Neat photo of you and Cassidy.

  6. What a lovely card! Thank you for sharing. Aloha!

  7. Absolutely love this look too LeAnne! The colours are fabulous and I love the peeking through the window feel. I don't know what that gorgeous young lady has been up too but she's definitely been having fun!

  8. This is fabulous!! I love that stamp set! Great photo of you and "dirt cake" LOL

  9. What a beautiful card, Leanne! Don't you just love stamping on print? Thanks so much for sharing, and LOVE the dirt cake! lol....

  10. LeAnne, this is just the prettiest card! I also have to say I absolutely LOVE seeing the precious photos of your granddaughter each day! What a blessing!

  11. Oh my favorite was mud pies when I was little. I would make them for hours.
    I love the card. So beautiful! I spent 3 hour weeding the garden and I don't have beans or anything I like to eat in it. The bunnies got all my favorites. Only thing left are the tomatoes, peppers, and onions.
    Summer sure does cut into crafting. I am going up North for a week. I hope I get a chance to make a few cards.

  12. LeAnne, this is drop-dead gorgeous! Love the colors, love the stamping, love the dictionary it all! I am so with you on the stamping/commenting thing....I am WAAAY behind! Great pic of you and Little Miss Dirt Pie!

  13. terrific looking card LeAnne... i think having that beautiful baby around gives you inspiration!

  14. This made me think of yummy orange sherbet - it's an absolutely beautiful card.

  15. This is gorgeous in every way - love the window effect! And that baby girl is still gorgeous - even after having some dirt pie!

  16. Beautiful card, LeAnne! I never get tired of using this set. Love the card in these colors, and mud cakes, I used to do those too.

  17. How did I miss this stunner! wow LeAnnne, I love this and the colors, okay, so maybe I can work with TT. Love this card! TFS and have a wonderful day ~ happy packing my friend :-) :-(


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