

Saturday, March 19, 2011



I seem to have been using a lot of pink lately!  I guess perhaps it is because it is a nice spring color and I have been eagerly awaiting the warmer temps and the first signs of magnolia blossoms!  Here are a few pink cards I’ve done lately:


This is a gorgeous digi image from my friend Arielle; it was printed on Very Vanilla and colored with Copics, then simply embellished with pink satin ribbon and some buttons.  This was also for the SCS “How Does Your Garden Grow” challenge yesterday. 


This adorable vintage girl stamp was a gift from my sweet friend Martha, along with those beautiful crocheted flowers (among other things!).  In my craft room, the ink and paper seemed to match a bit better than it does on my screen; I used Regal Rose ink on Pink Pirouette CS, and the DP is actually Blushing Bride and Pure Poppy!!!  I had some gigantically wide organdy ribbon that I tied into a bow and crinkled with my heat tool….and that was it!  I will add a sentiment inside when I decide what I’ll use it for!


These little beauties are a digital image from the Graphics Fairy; I made them into a simple birthday card using PTI stamps and some K&Co paper, mounted on a Pretty in Pink card.  The sweet little floral punchout is another nifty gifty from Martha!


Finally, this was for Thursday’s WT314 challenge at SCS, which was to use a smile!  This little digi image from Mo’s Digital called “What’s Cooking” is being used to raise funds for relief in Japan….at $1, it is a gem, and for a good cause.  I colored her with Copics too, mounted her on some recipe-imaged papers, again from K&Co, and added a little tag stamped with a Purple Onion sentiment and a crinkly doily from a PTI diecut.  Just look at that smile! 


And here’s another happy smile for you:


Thanks for visiting today—it was a long post, so I’m not going to write out all my recipes, but if you have any questions about any of the cards, shoot me an email!  Have a great weekend!


  1. LeAnne,
    Good Sat morning! We had the GD overnight and are watching "Darby O'Gill and the Little People Disney movie right now. BUT I wanted to take the time to tell you how wonderful your cards are. I love pink too and the flower card is spectacular in its simplicity. You did a wonderful card with the sweet little girl image. The colors are vibrant and perfect together. I sent the Martha Stewart doily punchie because it was something I had just bought and thought you might like to try it out. It looks perfect with the card you made. And the Mo's Digital image is so sweet! I have never done a digital but that one might be my start and for a good cause.

    Thanks for sharing your beautifully designed cards. You truly are a gifted artist.

    Love and blessings, Martha

  2. Really pretty cards. Love the picture of your little one's smiley face. TFS

  3. Oh my goodness you have been busy. I love every one. I still haven't bought from PTI and I really want too. Maybe I should go count the change in my change jar it is really full.
    So do you print digi on SUWW? Does that work good? AND was the adorable digi of the three kids printed in color or did you color it? It is an amazing card. Well you are amazing.
    Thanks for all the great ideas and have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Is that a new shade of pink that you have in your title? LOL That's one I never heard before :)
    Those are some great cards you've been creating lately, and there's no better way to end a post than with that adorable little bundle of sunshine smiling at us!! How CUTE!!

  5. Lovely lovely cards - think my fav has to be the first one though ... such a great image. Mo's "what's cooking" image is so sweet - glad you got her. Hugs to Cassidy!!

  6. wonderful cards LeAnne ~ your 'copic' coloring is absolutely amazing! Have a wonderful Sunday and thanks for all the sweet smiles :-)

  7. LeAnne, all this pretty pink has me smiling ear to ear! All of your cards are so are awesome at the perfect details. I'm off to check out that "What's Cooking" stamp, too. Thanks for the tip! Look at that little sweetie, too. She's a happy little gal, isn't she? :)

  8. I was going to comment on the card smile...but look at that last smile!! LOL!! She is so adorable! It's easy to fall in love with her!!!!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!