

Monday, December 13, 2010

Getting the Tree


I have had this Mo Manning digital image stamped and colored, sitting on my desk, for one year!!!  Yep!  I just didn’t know what to do with it…..I wanted to do something more than a card, but just wasn’t sure what.  I finally found a yard-sale frame, and thought that it would a nice way to highlight my watercolored image:


Actually the frame is more silver-colored than shows here, and I always have issues photographing red cardstock, but I think you can get the basic idea of my little Christmas picture.  The digital stamp was printed on SU’s watercolor paper, then colored with an Aquapainter and various ink colors.  It is mounted on Basic Black and adhered to Real Red cardstock with some dimensionals.  I computer-generated the sentiment and plopped the whole thing in the frame!  Here’s a closeup of the artwork….I just LOVE her style!

DSCF4013 That little boy looking over his shoulder at his footprints in the snow……just priceless!

Thanks for visiting today!!!  Off to do more baking!


  1. Beautiful image, coloring and framed work! An item like this makes a house a home during the holidays!
    Happy Baking!

  2. So beautiful! I love your water coloring and that sentiment is wonderful.
    We got hit with some Wisconsin December winter this weekend. It looks pretty but it is painful.

  3. Just a perfect use for this, LeAnne!

  4. oh my so cute...I love it!

  5. The frame is perfect for this image - great coloring too

  6. Stunning idea, LeAnne! LOVE that frame, and your watercoloring is awesome!


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