

Tuesday, December 14, 2010



I had to pull out some retired colors for Arielle’s sweet little challenge today:


You know how you get a card in the mail and realize you haven’t sent that person a card in return?  I am making a couple of these for those occasions!  It’s a clean & simple design using those retired colors and a retired set, Patterned Pines:


It also uses some retired Bride Specialty paper; some blingy-ding-ding and a current set provides the sentiment: Curly & Cute.  I did some creative cutting and piercing:


and added a little embroidery floss bow just for sweetness!  Please visit the ColourQ blog to see what the other designers have created---I am sure you’ll be inspired to create something too!  And thanks so much for visiting today!

  • Stamps:  Patterned Pines, Curly & Cute
  • Paper:  Bride Specialty Paper, WW
  • Ink:  Kiwi Kiss, Ruby Red, Bermuda Bay, Chocolate Chip
  • Acc:  Paper Piercer, Rhinestones, Dimensionals, Floss




  1. I've always loved those tiny trees and wondered why I never got that set! This is such a pretty card with that wavy border and pretty dp! The 2nd photo surely warms the soul on a cold day :)So cute!!

  2. I just love this card! All the great details make is very special. That set is destined to be one that stays in my collection too - retired or not! ~chris

  3. That is the best card I have seen with that stamp set!! WOW

  4. LeAnne, as far behind as I am with my cards I may just have to CASE this one! It is adorable! Such a clever used of the wavy punch...that I have, yahoo!

  5. So pretty! I just love your use of white space! Hey, thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a little love :)!


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