

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cosmo Trees


I have been feeling rather down today, which is an indication that I am thinking of myself too much, so I decided to make a card to make someone else feel better. I got some new Cosmo Cricket 6x6 Mini Deck papers called Early Bird---such fun patterns & colors! I used Mercy's sketch shown here:

and pulled out a favorite that I haven't used in a while, Trendy Trees:


Pretty self-explanatory! Have a great evening!

  • Stamps: Trendy Trees, Vintage Picnic Basket, PTI
  • Paper: Ruby Red, More Mustard, Certainly Celery, Naturals Ivory, Early Bird, Cosmo Cricket
  • Ink: More Mustard, Certainly Celery, Ruby Red, Close to Cocoa
  • Acc: Sleigh Bells Ribbon, Corduroy Brad, Circle Punches, Daubers, Dimensionals


  1. SUPER card LeAnne! I almost used Trendy Trees for my sketch card. It works perfectly in the circles and I love the dp you've used with it. Hopefully, creating this card lifted your spirits! Keep smiling, my friend! :)

  2. leanne...this is awesome! love that cosmo cricket paper...gotta get it! LOL! love the clean and crisp lines that you always have on your creations! that's one gorgeous fall card!

    thanks for playing along with my sketch for this week, and i hope to see you again next week! :)


  3. Hey Sweetie! Hope you're feeling back to your bubbly self soon!! This card is gorgeous usual! You are truly an inspiration to me. Love and miss you!!

  4. LeAnne - I hope you're feeling cheery soon! We all go through that sometimes, for sure. I never would have known, though - this card is delightful!! So many yummy elements (AND you are parting with one of those corduroy brads.... I keep mine as pets LOL!!)

  5. Well, LeAnne, this is one stunning card, love that paper!!!! I am sorry you are having one of those days, but you sure created a fun and cheerful card. Hugs and blessing, Sabrina

  6. Perk up sweet friend!! Anyone who can create beautiful cards like yours can't stay down long. What can we do to cheer you up? Sending giggly thoughts your way.
    Hugs - Elaine Moore

  7. This is just a beasustiful card, LeAnne! I love this tree set too but hardly ever use it. Hope it made you feel better to create something with it. Big hugs to you and hope you feel better soon.

  8. Sketches like this with a repeated pattern just freeze up my mojo, but you did awesome with it! NOW I'm totally inspired! LOVE the Early Bird paper, and love how you did the sentiment, too! Maybe I should just stay home and stamp today?

  9. Hope today's a better day LeAnne! Love what you did here- such a nice layout and color combo. Beautiful as always!

  10. I'm sorry you're not feeling too chipper, but hopefully that will quickly pass and you'll be back on top of the world again soon! This is one of my favorite stamp sets and I don't use it nearly enough! I love what you've done with it here. It's just cheerful in every sense of the word :)Wonderful colors in keeping with the sketch!! Love it!

  11. I'm so sorry that your feeling down my friend, hope things look up! Your card is fabulous! I love what you've done with the Trendy Trees set and these papers!

  12. Nice work. That is a super card and I find when I am feeling 'down' that I need to send out some cards to cheer up my loved ones.

  13. wow i love these cosmo trees, they are totally gorgeous and so is your card! love it Leanne
    take care

  14. This is so pretty! I love the colors, they are so warm and cozy! I love the trees in the circles-awesome design!

    wv: punks

    These punks are driving me nuts...good thing school starts next week!

  15. Oh, wow, LeAnne, this is one FAB card!

  16. I am SO lonesome now. There's no reason to make cards....I've lost my inspirations. I just come here and enjoy through osmosis.


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