

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tart & Tangy Thursday


My fellow CTD team member Broni had a color challenge yesterday on the Rubbernecker blog, so I thought I would give it a shot.  The corresponding SU colors were Old Olive, Summer Sun and Pumpkin Pie, and since I am on a "fruit" roll (see my watermelon card here) in my cardmaking, I thought I would use Tart & Tangy for a sweet little card:


I used my new long rectangle Nestabilities to cut a scalloped card, added some Haiku paper and my citrus accents!  My yellow ribbon was not quite "summery" enough to match my corduroy brad, so I intensified it a bit by coloring it with my Summer Sun marker.

While I had the set out, I kept going with the fruit theme and made a spinner card with the apple image; this will be a sample for my upcoming club night:


DSCF4270 DSCF4271

See it spinning?  LOL!!!  And finally, I think this is the first time I've inked up this cherry!  I am using up my soon-to-be-retired In Color stuff:


AAACKKK!  Look at that big bow!!! Yikes!  Deep breath...I will have to hand-deliver this card as it will never fit into an envelope!!  Well, thanks for sharing with me today!


  1. I love your fruity cards, Leann. The layout of the last one is awesome and so is that bow!

  2. LeAnne, I LOVE how you used the colors for a citrus card! Perfect! Love the layout of it and the ribbon/button embellishment is cool! I love your other "fruity" cards too!! Thanks for playing in the Wacky Wednesday challenge with us!!

  3. What cute "FRUITINESS"!!!

    I love the Wacky Wednesday challenge card!! That dp is so fun with those fruit slices!!

  4. Great cards LeAnne! Love the layout and the BOW on the last one. ~chris

  5. I'm loving all this fruit! Perfect for the summer weather we've been experiencing here in FL! Great job on the challenge card too!

  6. These are all great LeAnne! Perfect for summer time giving! tfs

  7. I love all of these cards. That was a set I always wanted and never got aroound to ordering. That color chanllenge card is so fun, but I love the spinner and the cherry card to

  8. Fabulous in triplicate today LeAnne! I love this tart and tangy set, and yet I never quite know how to use it, so it sits and collects dust *sigh* These cards are all so bright and cheerful, and I LOVE that big honkin' bow!! :)

  9. Yummy! Love your cards, those stamps seem made for those colours. By the way, that is a great bow!!!

  10. Yum! Yum! These are all so fruity and fab! I really love that first one--so bright and fun!

  11. Oh these fruity cards are too sweet! Pun intended! Love the bright fun colors and designs! Adorable!

  12. Hi LeAnne, Thanks for visiting my blog! :) I have always loved this stamp set, thanks for the cards of inspiration! Hugs, Mona

  13. Absolutely stunning! I love all the cards. And don't fret... the big bow is gorgeous!

  14. Awesome fruity cards! The apple one has great crispness to it (so fitting!) :)

  15. Love your cards, got to case the lemon/orange one it is so cool looking and refreshing too! Hugs always! TFS

  16. WOW, I love these cards, LeAnne! Off to my fav's they go! Nicely done as always!

    Have a great day!

  17. There's just something so FRIENDLY about fruit on a card that I LOVE! These are great LeAnne!...every single one, beautifully done!

    ...and I just GOTTA try making one of those spinner cards sometime.

  18. Wow, way to go using this set! Each of these is so fun and different from the other! Love your variety!

  19. FUN FUN FUN cards!!! I think I may have to do a cherry card this weekend -- you have inspired me to get Fruity!!

  20. Tart & Tangy is one of my favorite stamps sets. I love what you've done with it.

  21. This are brill, love these.

  22. Love the Wacky Wednesday challenge card; great way to use the challenge colors. Thanks for the great inspiration

  23. All three of these are darlin---LOVE them---I need to pull that set back out---I haven't used it since last summer

  24. What absolutely adorable cards, LeAnne!!!! I love how you used the nestie for the card base and the fruit are perfect for the challenge colors!!! I love your little apple card, too, and the cherry card design is sooo awesome!!! Thanks for playing along in the Wacky Wednesday challenge!!!

  25. You enabler!! I don't have this set, but I'm going to order on my next stamp club order this month!! Such cute cards and great layouts... SUMMER FUN!! Love it... SMILES! :)

  26. I love them all!! Very summery and cheerful!!

  27. LeAnne, I love your citrus card....well actually I love all three of your cards. They are so fresh looking. Each layout is wonderful and I especially loved your big bow.

  28. I like all of the cards. I have the same set, thanks for all of the ideas! LOL

  29. ACK! Look at the awesome cards!!! OH MY GOSH! These are fabulous! You're definitely on a fruit roll!


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