

Monday, January 12, 2009

Mojo Monday Sketch


I saw lots and lots and lots of cards using the Mojo Monday sketch for last week--I even made one myself! So I subscribed to the blog, and it is a nice way to start out the week--Julee always has nice sketches to get your creativity going! This is Mojo Monday Sketch #69:

Mojo Monday #69

I am not 100% sold on my take on the sketch--first of all, the DP is from Figgy and Wassail, so my mind kept saying, "Christmas, Christmas!" And the colors are reminiscent of holidays, too, but I wanted the theme to be more "loving and thoughtful". I think it is the Baja Blue heart. I don't know.... I love the bird and the three little elements, and it's done, so I am stickin' with it!

  • Stamps: Always, Essential Sentiments (MFT)
  • Paper: Baja Breeze, Bravo Burgundy, Wassail, Figgy
  • Ink: Bravo Burgundy Craft, Mellow Moss, Baja Breeze, Always Artichoke
  • Acc: Nesties, Clear EP & Heat Tool, Punches


  1. oh oh. LOVE that heart!!

  2. This is SOOOO cute!! I would NEVER have thought to use the bird the way you did and highlight the heart!! Just beautiful!! Hopefully I'll see you around Mojo time each week :)

  3. This is awesome! I love the bg paper and how everything goes so well together....great card!

  4. I dont see Christmas, I see country. I still like country :) Thanks for sharing.

  5. That's such a pretty card! I think it has a nice and vintage feel to it. Love it!

  6. I love this card! The paper works perfectly together. Great job with the sketch too! Aren't Julee's sketches fun! ~chris

  7. You are being too hard on your self. I didn't see it as seasonal at all. It has a masculine valentines look, to me.

  8. I think this is fabulous LeAnne.
    Not a hint of Christmas in this one!!

  9. I think it's beautiful! I don't think it looks Christ-massy at all! Love it!

  10. Oh WOW!!! This is beautiful!!! How unique! I absolutely LOVE IT! They way you used the bird is awesome, the heart is gorgeous, and the BG paper is PERFECT!!! Very well done, as always!

  11. Wow what a very tasteful and pretty card.

  12. Oh my word, this is breathtaking! Love the colors and papers!!

  13. Now my first thought was how terrific that Figgy Pudding paper looked and you'd never know that it was supposed to be a Christmas-themed paper! This is gorgeous, and goes perfectly with the SU! colors you paired it with! The heart and bird are lovely!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!