

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy Blogaversary!!!

Yes! Today is my one-year anniversary of "jumping off the cliff", as I put it, into blogging! My upline, Pennie, always talked about her blog and once I began to discover the fun of blogging, I decided to go for it. It can be addicting and time-consuming, but I have met so many people and gotten so much inspiration from visiting others' blogs, it has been so worth it! There are truly thousands of creative stampers out there, and before blogging, we were all strangers!

So in honor of my "blogaversary" I am giving away some candy. Yes, I know, more SU stuff--what can I say? I have a Prints Pack of Designer Paper and a Hostess set from the current catalog (which is retiring SOON and I just got my new one yesterday--woohoo!) called Bitty Basics. Cute little images in this set!!! I have also included some lovely Martha Stewart glitter and glue, and I will probably throw some more stuff in there, just go through my "stash"!

Blogaversary Blog Candy Jan 2009

So how can you win this candy? Today is the 13th, so leave me a comment and tell me something that happened to you when you were 13! I know, who wants to think about that awkward age? But lets walk down memory lane...when I was 13 I got my braces! Lovely thought! I still have one, too--when I had them taken off, I asked my orthodontist if I could keep one, and he said yes! I took it to the jewelry store and had it put on my charm bracelet!!! Now what made me think of doing that, I have no idea, but the dentist said that was not the first request he had like that!! Go figure! You'll have until midnight, Friday, January 16 (which is my wedding anniversary) to leave a comment and I will choose a random winner on Saturday. Feel free to post this on your blog, too, so lots of people can participate! Can't wait to read your "Age 13 Memories"!

Edited to add: Please make sure you leave me an email address if your name is not linked, so that I can get in touch with you should you win!


  1. Hello there,Congrats on your Blogavversy, just to let you know I love your creations, they're awesome! I remember my 13 being the year that my period came, aweful not happy, I guess I didn't want to grow up! and still not, LOL!...Gina

  2. Congrats on your blogaversary!! It's funny - what I remember about being 13 is that I too got my braces on. When I was 13 - the summer before heading into high school. Didn't like that part so much but it was so worth it in the end!!

  3. Congrats on your blogaversary! Here's what came to mind about being 13: I made the winning shot in the finals of a basketball tournament against our biggest rival! That was a great feeling.

  4. great blog candy... super yummy!

    When I was 13 we came back to Canada from Argentina. Even though I was born here we lived in Argentina for 7 years. Anyway, we came back when I was 13. It was super hard, because I had forgotten most of my English and I had no friends here. Okay, that should sad, but it was not that bad. Eventually I made great friends and re-learned the language.

    Happy Blogaversary!!

  5. Oooohhhh I love blog candy! Well, lets see....when I was 13 I had my tonsils removed. It was so painful I could hardly stand it! All I remember is that I wanted McDonalds french fries to bad but when I tried to swallow I cried because it hurt so bad :( I do believe I lost 11 lbs though!
    PS wish that would have stuck!

  6. Happy Anniversary! Great Candy!! When I was 13 I changed schools...we moved from the city to suburbs & I had to make all new friends! YIKES!! but it all turned out FINE! I actually have a couple of those friends still ~ *hugs*

  7. Congrats on the anniversary! When I was 13, I moved about 800 miles away from home to attend boarding school.I was soooo homesick!Ihad often heard the word"homesick" but didn't realize it could make one literally physically sick! Bummer!I stuck it out for twoyears though!

  8. First, congrats girl! I didn't know your's was 2 days after mine...we are like soul blog sista's. Okay, not really.

    Second, Eeewwwww, 13! Yikes, everything about me was awkward-but of course absolutely the worst was my perm! It was the 80's and they were so IN...but mine was so BAD! You couldn't pay me anything to go back to being a teenager!

    Third, well, I don't have a third...but awesome blog candy!

    Happy Anniversary!

  9. Congrats on the Blogaversary!

    The number 13 is a very special number for me - I met my husband when I was 13; we were engaged to be married on December 13 and Married on Spetember 13 - Not an unlucky number for me at all!! 13 was also the year I started curling... ye sthe wonderful winter sport that demands balance and grace - none of which a 6 foot tall girl had at 13! I stuck with it and it is now one of my favorite winter activities!

    Congrats again! I love to see all your card creations!

  10. Congratulation on your blogaversy - and I am glad you are enjoying it so much.
    On my 13th birthday, my mother had a surprise birthday party for my twin sister and myself. It was much fun!

  11. Wow, that is going back a few years for me. When I was 13 my big brother got married and for the first time I got to wear high heals. That was a big deal then as you had to wear nylons with a garter belt. I was all dressed up with my little white gloves and everything. I was such a tom boy back then. Dressing up was a real stretch.

    Congrats on your blogaverssry.

  12. Congratulations to you! Wow what was I doing when I was 13? I was moving to either another state or house or town in the same state. My dad had a bad case of wanderlust and we moved every 6 months or so. We moved so often I have no reference points as to where I was living at any certain age. Always the new kid on the block. Both my brothers have lived in the same town, same house for the last 40 years. Who is always up for a move or adventure? Yup, me! thanks for the opportunity to win.

  13. When I was 13, I was in 8th grade and actually had a memory back then! That's more than I can say for now... Happy blogaversary and Happy Anniversary too!

  14. I broke my leg skating while my parents were packing to move us in to base housing in England trying to stay out of the way! Congrats on your 1 year Blogoversary!

  15. ugh, 13 I got my first diary and traded in my glasses for contacts

  16. You have a great blog...... When I was 13. ( wow that was back in the horse and buggy days) i got my first pair of glasses and I hated them so much.

  17. I had literally been bugging my mom to death to let me get my ears pierced and she always said no! Her standard answer was that I did not need any more holes in my head! She surprised me on my 13th birthday and took me to Merle Norman in the mall and I got my ears pierced! It was a very exciting birthday for me and I will never forget it! She bought me some round dome shaped gold studs and I still have them 39 years later. You do the math! LOL. Renee

  18. woohoo, congratulations on the blogaversary! Ermmmm, 13? I can't actually think of anything that stands out It could have been the year I broke my two front teeth!!! Not a good look for any teenager!

  19. Wow congrats on the year of blogging, that's super exciting.
    When I was 13 I had my tonsils removed :(
    Not much fun, especially over the summer!!!

  20. Congratulations girl for one year!!!
    At 13 my mom was in hospital with life & death sitution for over a month. During that time, being the oldest kid in family, my dad expected me to cook for them. (yeah right...) My best recipe was cereal and toast. LOL Come to find out, he told my mom, and it made mom have something to laugh about while in hospital.

  21. Congrats on your blogaversary AND on your anniversary that's coming up.

    When I was 13 (that was about the time Noah was building the ark by the way) several families would get together and picnic at the lake on the weekend - sometimes camping out for several days in the summer. I was floating on my back and a waterskier went right over me - one ski on each side of my body. I was daydreaming with my eyes closed and didn't realize what had happened until the man grabbed me screaming are you all right.....I was grounded from swimming the rest of the time we were there. Now I ask you, how was that my fault. Raising kids - what a joy. LOL

  22. Congrats on your blogoversary! Isn't blogging wonderful!!!!

    When I was 13 I went to public school for the first time (Catholic school before that) and decided that maybe I didn't want to be a nun after all. ~chris

  23. When I turned 13 I got my first record album. Now I am dating myself! The albumn was The Beatles White Album.
    I still have it! Thanks for the memories and congrats!

  24. I went ice skating with my friend, Laureen on Saturdays! Things that were "neat": pizza, pierced ears, faded jeans. Things that we hated: "high water pants", zits, the hair styles our parents wanted us to have...

  25. Happy Blogaversary! At 13 years I was able to start babysitting. I was so excited to be earning some money for myself, plus I was an official TEENAGER!

  26. Congratulations on one fabulous year! When you said 13, I was thinking that was 40+ years ago how am I supposed to remember. Then it hit me, I was in 8th grade and I contracted hepatitis from one of my mom's friends and missed 2 months of school. Also, the highlights of this time were no homework (contagious can't bring stuff into house) and I needed to have lots of sugar so I could eat candy bars to my hearts content. I know, too much info. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

  27. Happy Blogaversary!!
    When I was 13 I too got braces. It was horrible just getting ready for high school...the infamous freshman year and getting braces to boot!! Yikes!!!

  28. Ah, such a memorable age! YIKES!!
    My friend, Karla, pierced my ears for me at my home. Much to my dismay I heard my father say shortly after(before he knew my ears were pierced!)that he would pierce my butt if I ever did such a heathen thing! After wearing a scarf tied in my hair(to cover my ear lobes) for a week, he found out! How sweet he was! He did not follow through on his threat! I never asked 'why?'!!
    Thank you for the chance to win!!Congrats and blessings are wished for your coming year!! ~Sandie

  29. Well happy Blogaversary! :D I hope that you have enjoyed your experience! I certainly have enjoyed looking at your blog this past year. I am actually really surprised that it has only been a year! Anyway, thinking back to when I was 13. I believe I had my very first birthday at that age. It was a very awkward situation for me too because my mom was a 7th grade teacher and we both had her! Haha! Thanks for the chance to win!

  30. OMGosh, 13 was so long ago! Let's see, I was in 8th grade and went to a brand new middle school. I met my friend Ann, who I was friends with for a few more years even though we went on to different high schools. She and I and her sister, Mary, were thick as thieves back then getting into all sorts of trouble! No blog candy is worth telling what sort of trouble, so I'm stopping there! LOL! Happy Blogsaversary, LeAnne!

  31. OK. Here's a plea deal. Since my beloved SU demonstrator passed away, this might be my only and last opportunity to get anything new and SU at the same time.......does a pity vote count? Judy would love you for it if it did.

    OK. When I was 13 I was getting old enough to realize I wasn't cute. I was WEIRD looking. That was the year mom decided to enroll me in something called JOB'S DAUGHTERS, a branch of the MASONS. I had to wear my first formal. And mom put PIN CURLS in my hair the night before.

    We still have the photo of me looking like Jeremiah Johnson in a lace dress, with cat eye glasses and extremely, tightly curled, short hair. It's a wonder they allowed me in the building.

    To this day, I"m ashamed.

  32. Dear LeAne! I never to try it earlier, but I shall be... I to accept Jesus when I was 12. And next year when I was 13 we had the big travel on the steam-ship on river Amur Far East Russia. We had big youth command from all church of the Far East and visitors from Germany. We to do a stop in each small settlement and to do the big concert, to speak people about Jesus! It was wonderful time and I had much new friends and impressions! Nika

  33. Happy Blogaversary. That is so exciting. I guess one memorable thing that happened when I was 13 was my dad sent me 12 carnations and one rose to school for my 13 birthday. He like doing things that had a number significance. I was so surprised and everyone was really impressed with my dad. :)

  34. The "little man--file clerk" working in the memory archives of my brain, took a bit of time on this one, but finally he found something of note during my 13th year of life! My sister had my sweet baby niece that year and I so enjoyed taking care of her. My brother-in-law was serving in Vietnam and my sister was living with my family while he was gone. One of my jobs was to wash the bottles, sterilize and fill with formula each day! I was so particular, I wouldn't let anyone come near my work station! No germs on my watch! Thanks for the opportunity to win the goodies you are giving away in celebration of your Blogaversary! Thanks for sharing your inspiring work! Kathy

  35. Happy Blogoversary! :) Let's see... when I was 13? Well, I started to attend boarding school and hated it! :P Thankfully as time went on, I made great friends and didn't wanna leave school!!

  36. When I was thirteen I went to church camp for the first time!
    I came home with head lice! : (

  37. I went to church camp for the first time when I was thirteen.
    Came home with head lice! : (

    Char Styer
    Marion, Ohio

  38. Congratulations on your blogaversary and wedding anniversary! I really enjoy your blog, I've been visiting for about a month. When I was thirteen, I lived in California. I remember a really fun Halloween party that I went to. I dressed up as Uncle Sam. My girlfriends and I stayed up until 2am and went skateboarding in the street!
    Jennifer L.

  39. This sounds so blah now but it was the biggest thing in my life: I got to start shaving my legs when I was thirteen!! My dad bought me a girl's electric razor and let me have at it! By that age, I needed a bushhog but I got them smoothed out eventually!! No biggie but it was sure important to me! Congrats on a wonderful blog anniversary!
    Myrtle Beach, SC

  40. Well when I turned 13 I was at boarding school... and hated it. I remember being sooo unhappy... but it's all good cause eventually I really enjoyed it (after a year!!!)

  41. Congratulations on your blogaversary and your upcoming wedding anniversary! When I was, I'm trying really hard to remember anything from that time! That summer we decided I would go to a boarding school in a different province from my family. That was a pretty rough year.

  42. that Year was pretty good as a new girl started my grade & we became instant friends & we are still friends 24 years later :o)

  43. Congrats on your blogaversary AND your wedding anniversary!

    When I was thirteen, I got The Shining (by Stephen King) for my birthday. Strange present, I know, but I love that book!

  44. When I was 13 I got to know my still best friend. We both went to school together since we were about 10 and we didn´t like each other at all. We had totally different insterests and friends.
    Then our teacher decided to put us together because I was always so talkative during the lessons and she was so calm.
    In the beginning we hated it to be sitting together but then after some time we started talking and we were hanging around together.

    So, now after 22 years we are still best friends.

    Best regards, Nadine

  45. Yeah LeAnne! I love your awesome blog! When I was turning 13, I got invited to go to the beach with my friend's family. While I was gone, my Mom & Dad redid my "kid" bedroom into a fun, teen room. It was so neat! I will never forget how cool it was to have a special place to hang out and have sleepovers.

  46. Oh LeAnn, Congrats on your blogaversary... I love your artwork and thank you for sharing it! Although I consider 13 lucky for me, I was sent to boarding school that year, we lived with my grandparents since my mother had died many years before, and that year was the first year my Dad came to see us, since our mom had died, he had a new wife, and my grandparents did not want us around neither did my Dad and his new wife, so we both myself and my sister were sent to a boarding school, I will never forget it, as that was home for many years after, until I finished High School... so being 13 was like being 25!! at the time!

  47. Congrats on your blogaversary! When I was 13 (so long ago!), my older sister got married and I was so excited to have a room (and a bathroom!) all to myself! Then I discovered that I really missed her....

  48. Congratulations on your blogavversy, I've discovered blogs this past year and really enjoy ready them and trying new techniques and just discovering all kinds of new things in the stamping world. Boy going back to age 13 is going a long ways back, but that was the year I discovered the love of reading and still love it, I usually have a couple books going at the same time, along with Stamping magazines and anything else readable. Have even helped tutor reading to children which is always a joy seeing them light up with the discovery of reading will take you anywhere you want to go:)

  49. I was 13 the same year the movie Grease came out. I still remember my aunt took me and my sister to see it. After the movie she went and bought the album. We listened to it and wrote down the words to the songs. That movie is one of my favorites.

  50. Love your blog. You do beautiful work. The year I turned 13 on my birthday my Dad took me shopping and I bought a phonograph with my birthday money. I also had enough money to buy the new Beatles album. Love, Me Do! I thought I was so rich!! I was head over heels in love with Paul McCartney!! That was a good summer!


  51. 13 wasn't that long ago, but memories are fuzzy. I did move that year to California from Connecticut.

    Congrats on the Blogaversary. I love reading your blog.

  52. Wow that was a LONG time ago. I think I would have been about 13 when I got to go to a state competition for a reading. That was a big deal to me then. Thanks for the chance at the candy. Angela H.

  53. Congratulations on your Blogaversary! When I was 13, my younger brother, who was 8 at the time, and I were late to school and had already made several trips back home to get forgotten items. On the way back from the second trip, my brother was ahead of me by 2 house lengths when I tried to catch up to him, I stepped into a crack in the sidewalk and fell and broke my pinkie finger! I wore a cast for about 2 months and on the day of our Student Council election speeches, one of my friends had to deliver mine because I was getting my cast removed. I was in 8th grade at the time. To this day my brothers and now my husband and son laugh at the fact that I broke my finger because of a crack in the sidewalk. Oh, well...:D

  54. LOL, That was when I got my first kiss and I completly grossed out! Congrats on your blogaversary...I have really enjoyed your blog!

  55. Happy Blogaversary!! 13 was sooooooooo long ago, LOL!!!

  56. Oh dear, I don't have any idea of anything special in my 13th year.
    That was a long time ago if that is why or just nothing special happened to make me remember.

  57. Congrats on both your anniversaries.
    Boy, try and remember when I was 13...long time ago for sure. I remember going swimming with my best friend and losing my gold dad bought them for me as a special gift when I got my ears pierced. I was so upset but still have the other one...

  58. 13? Hmmmmm. THAT was a VERY long time ago Leanne!!!! LOL! I remember I was in 8th grade that year. I had a really cute boyfriend (the boy next door with jetblack hair and dreamy blue eyes) and I remember that my brother and I both graduated (me from 8th grade and he from high school) and our parents threw this big graduation bash for us.

    Happy Anniversary tomorrow btw!

  59. Happy Blogaversary to you and Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby on Friday....ours is coming up on the 27th of January (a whole 8 years!).

    When I was 13 we moved from Edmonton, Alberta back to Sebringville, Ontario (just outside of Stratford...home of the Shakespear Festival). I remember starting grade 8, and because I was new, I got to go to the class room before all the other kids. Well they mistook me for a student funny when I look back at it. Well that is my little story.

    Congrats again,

  60. Happy blogaversary!! Oh my 13 was a long time ago for me. I remember 2 big things actually. I got a cool stereo for Christmas (that was a huge deal back then) and shortly thereafter I became a woman (if you know what I mean). That part seemed important to my friends but I practically would have prefered turing into a boy so I didn't have to deal with that. HaHaHa! Thanks for your great blog so full of eye candy and inspiration. Thanks too for a chance to win a huge prize package.

  61. WOW!!! There are already 60 comments!! COOL for you! Thanks so much for the chance to win some candy! Hmmmm, 13---first kiss---Therrell Thomas (yep, that's his name!) You just don't forget that, now do ya? :)

  62. Happy BlogaVersary!!! Happy Wedding Anniversary on Friday too!
    Let's see 13...I got my braces too. But I also remember that a boy from my science class, Richard Tisch, asked me if I wanted to "go together". (which meant we sat next to each other on the bus, and at lunch, and ocasionally held hands. We never kissed...that was a no-no!) Since I wasn't allowed to date until I was 16, my parents teased me about "going together", because in fact we never WENT anywhere.

  63. Happy Happy Blogiversary!!

    What a neat idea...13 well, that was the age my Mom decided YES, I could finally start dabbling in make-up(I had been waiting since I was...Ohhhh, 4!! LOL) She took me to the store and I picked out Electric Blue Mascara, Pink Blush and the palest Opal Chap/LipStick!! I know it sounds terrible now, but back then you weren't cool if you didn't wear it! All the girls in my Teen Magazines wore this kind of make up!! Thanks for a trip down memory lane!!

  64. Congrats on your Blogaversary and also your wedding anniversary. I was in 8th grade when I turned 13 and I remember my first boyfriend walking me home after working on a school float for Homecoming and he kissed me!!! I thought I was in heaven. Teeheehee

  65. 13....Who can remember that far back!! I can't remember yesterday, LOL. But I do remember my little sister being born. It was Halloween night and my Mother wouldn't let my Dad take us trick or treating, because she thought the baby was going to come. Well it did.
    Thanks for the candy and have a happy blogaversary!! Linda

  66. Congratulations on your blogaversary! I have no really memorable events from 13. I guess I would have been in 7th grade -- very tall (for that age, any way, 5'7") with braces; My best friend was Julie and we were all visiting high schools. St Louis is big into all girl / all boy Catholic high schools. How sad that I can't come up with any specific memory!

  67. When I was thirteen,I remember how embarrassed I was to still wear an undershirt which was always exposed in gym class. I too finally became a "woman", long after my twin sister and friends. Lord, I praised the day I became 14...a much better year. Happy anniversary.

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Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!