

Thursday, July 2, 2015

TSOT225 and CYCI76


Happy Thursday, peeps!  Phew, the last day of swimming lessons is today and I will be happy to get back to our old routine!  Cassidy does enjoy it, though, and the lessons are necessary!  But my stamping time was severely cut short, LOL!  Found some time yesterday to make a thank you card using the Can You Case It challenge:


along with the sketch challenge from Try Stampin’ On Tuesday:

I chose Tip Top Taupe and Mint Macaron for my colors, along with the neutral Very Vanilla:

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings Endless Thanks Stampin Up

I love the prints in the Pretty Petals DSP line, this one might be my favorite!  I added some “scallops” by punching out some VV 3/4” circles and lining them up along the bottom edge of the DSP.  I diecut a tag with the new Tags & Framelits, added a heart from the January Paper Pumpkin stamp set and a bird from Everything Eleanor.  The leaves are from Endless Thanks, as is the sentiment.  I also added some retired crochet trim and an organdy rose:


Thanks for popping by today!

Remember the sunflower post from here?  When I returned from visiting my college roomies this past weekend, I found one blossom had bloomed!  This shot up probably two feet in a week and a half!  Cassidy was not happy about posing with it, however:


She was more interested in trying to shoot a bee that was on top of it with her new Nerf gun:


She didn’t hit the bee, but she did land it waaaaaay up on a leaf, LOL!



  1. Pretty card. Love the color combo.
    Cute pics of Cassidy.

  2. Beautiful garden!! Beautiful card too - thanks for the list of stamp sets!! I would never have found the little bird without that help!!

  3. I love the bit of fancy trim you added to the tag LeAnne, this is a pretty card!! Pretty sunflower too!

  4. Love this color combo! And I love how you did the scallop trim! So clever!

  5. Great card LeAnne! Love the soft, pretty colours and the sweet little details.
    Had to laugh at your pictures of Cassidy - my kids go round the garden trying to shoot insect as well ;)

  6. I love your card thanks for sharing I may have to case this one I hope you don't mind?

  7. LeAnne... i just love your card!!! The details around the bird are incredible! Thanks again for joining CYCI :) Eva

  8. Love your card LeeAnn...been following your blog for a long time. TFS!

    1. Love the embelly!!! It's beautiful!!! Thanks for playing this week with us!!!xx


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