

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Soho Subway Thanks


Happy Saturday, peeps!  Do you have something fun planned for this weekend?  It’s supposed to be rainy here, so I am thinking I am just going to relax!  I finally broke into my Soho Subway DP and I am lovin’ it!  Some of the larger patterns I probably won’t use, but the smaller ones are a lot of fun, and they coordinate so well!  Even though the challenge is over, I used the Pals Paper Arts sketch 161, designed by Margaret Moody, because I liked it so much, for a thank-you card:


I stamped the plain label from Label Love on another piece of the Soho Subway paper and punched it out, then topped it with the thank you image from A Round Array, again on the same paper, and popped it up:


I love the effect this gives!  And finally, I embossed my envelope flap with the Alphabet Press embossing folder….this makes a really cool effect and is definitely a “wow” factor when the recipient opens it!


Glad you visited today!

This is how you make sure you get all your bowling pins knocked down:



You just get up nice & close to them!



  1. great card and the envelope is perfect!

  2. OMG I love your card. I have not used much of that DSP either yet. Love love love your card though. Hugs, Bev

  3. Thank you for the bowling tip. I need all the help I can get. Well going to a bowling ally might help too. LOL
    Love the card. It is very artsy and I love the envelope. You have the best ideas!
    Have a great weekend.

  4. Simply awesome!!!!
    love the use of DSP!!!


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