

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Paper Players 152


Happy Sunday, peeps!  Wow, can you believe today is the last day of June?!!  The year is zipping by!   Today I am the hostess at the Paper Players, and I have a tic-tac-toe challenge for everyone:

Since I already had the Soho Subway papers on my desk, I decided to use them again!  I chose the left down column for my tic-tac-toe, because I love birds and I always need get-well cards!  I used the Sketch Frenzy Friday sketch:

and I flipped the sketch so my little bird wouldn’t be looking off into outer space:


I love this card so much, I don’t want to part with it!  I used a Chalk Talk diecut, cutting off the bottom point, for my tag, running it through the Big Shot with the Needlepoint Border cross-stitch folder for some “stitching”, which also qualifies this for the Let’s Get Trendy Now 3 stitching challenge!  I highlighted the stitching with my white gel pen to make it stand out a bit more.  All the stamped elements except the sentiment are from Everything Eleanor, including the element behind the tag, which is a little hard to see:


The sentiment is from Delightful Dozen---what a great set!

So---what can you do with this tac-tac-toe challenge?  I hope you have fun with it---maybe create more than one project??!!!  Share them with us at the Paper Players blog where you’ll see ALL the amazing designers’ samples as well!

Life is cool!



  1. love the white gel pen on the stitching!

  2. I can understand not wanting to part with this card!

  3. THANKS for the FUN challenge! Makes me wanna PLAY!! Love the combination of colors, techniques and's like a HUG! Did I get your ending message right...'Sometimes you just have to put your glasses on upside down and Chill'?? LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, it!

  4. Really gorgeous card LeAnne!! I love that tag!! :)

  5. Wow...lovely work. Awesome stamping and cross stitching! The colors are wonderful!! Such a cutie pie pic too:)

    Thanks for playing with us at Let's Get Trendy Now! 3

  6. love that card !!
    but that Cassady looks pretty cool !!!
    hugs frenchie

  7. You are an artist girl! This is wonderful - way to use that DSP! Love the faux stitches and of course the sweet s/s/s!

  8. I am in love with his pretty focal tag LeAnne, pretty pretty card! Yep...she's a dudette alright!!

  9. Oh my goodness so so beautiful! I love love love your card. Very amazing!
    I am putting my sunglasses on like that now. LOL

  10. Beautiful card, LeAnne! The DSP is gorgeous, I love the stitching on the tag, and the stamped element in the background is what caught my eye first. I had to read on to see how you did it!

  11. Adorable photo and loveeeeeeeee your card! Thanks for playing along with Let's Get Trendy 3!!!!

  12. Brilliant use of the gel pen! I had to take a few second glances to see if you had really stitched.

  13. Oh wow. This is soooooooo sweet!

    Thanks for joining us at Let's Get Trendy Now!3.

  14. Love how you've used the gel pen! I totally thought that was real stitching. So many great "LeAnne details" here. Love all the stamping on and around the tag and that paper is fabulous! You really rocked the TTT board!

  15. This is so,so pretty! Lovin' the little bird!

  16. Wow! Your faux stitching is fabulous, LeAnne! The gel pen really makes it look real. Thanks for the great challenge!

  17. This is so pretty! I can see why you don't want to part with it! Awesome paper!

  18. This is fantastic!! Love the layers of stamping and the way you did the tag! Just beautiful!! Thanks for joining us at Sketch Frenzy Friday!

  19. Adorable! I love the texture you added and I agree, Delightful Dozen is an awesome set!

  20. This is one Spectacular card. When I first saw it I said "Wow" out loud. I looked at it for a long time. Your attention to detail, color combo, images and the white gel pen on the stitching is awesome. Thanks for playing along with us over at SFF.

  21. The white gel pen is the perfect touch for the embossed border! You are SO creative! When I first saw your card, which I love, I was convinced you had actually sewn on the tag. Thanks for a fun challenge this week, my friend! :)


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!