

Friday, June 8, 2012

Stampin’ Royalty 127 for Fala


Happy Friday, everyone!  Yippee, the weekend is almost here!  Some of you may remember the thank you card I did for one of DH’s customers, who gifted me with a cool cookbook, written by his “foxes”, frieda and Freddie.  You can see the post here.  Now apparently these foxes have an active lifestyle, as we recently got a birth announcement in the mail, along with this picture of a new little fox named Fala, added to our customer’s family:


Isn’t she a cutie?  Well, of course, I had to send a congratulations card, and even though there is a cute little fox in a new stamp set in the catalog (which I ordered, of course) I couldn’t wait that long, I wanted to make one NOW:


I again used a Stampin’ Royalty sketch:

and the teddy bear from Every Little bit for my card.  I matched it up with some retired DP from Nursery Nest, and of course, used my new Itty Bitty Banners stamp set & die for the sentiment:


I actually broke out my watercolor crayons, too, to color in the little bear.  Normally I don’t recommend watercoloring on Whisper White, but since this image was so small and I was only using a small amount of water, it didn’t pill and colored quite nicely:


I also took the stitching out of the Blushing Bride pleated ribbon, ironed it and made a sweet little bow.  I hope the new parents enjoy my card!!

Cassidy came to the house this morning sporting a cute little pony tail (which will be in tatters after her nap!):

 DSCF3134 DSCF3135

Once she had selected her favorite DVD, she was a happy camper!!!  Thanks for visiting today!



  1. Cute!! I love the story behind the cookbook, the foxes, the card with all its details (the bitty banner set is perfect) and Cassidy's adorable pony tail!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend, LeAnne!

  2. Darling card, Leanne, and great use of the sketch. Cassidy is getting sooo big and looking like a little girl now :)

  3. I love your sweet baby card and the story behind the fox :) Cute! and speaking of cute - look at Miss Cassidy's purple top! Yowsah - I LOVE that color!

  4. Oh what a sweet heart! so cute in her summer shorts and pony tail. Oh I bet you still remember how to make a good pony.

  5. Ha! LOVE that you sent a baby card for the new fox in the family....awesome! Very sweet card.

    ...and LOL that you wanted to make the card "now"....sounds like me. :)

  6. sweet card and sweet ponytail LeAnne! So nice to peek in on you....I fell off the face of the earth...hope to get back into the swing of things! Enjoy your weekend!!!

  7. Oh my goodness, wat a sweet baby card! What a cute story about the foxes, too. Ha ha! Love Cassidy's new 'do. I still can't believe how big she is getting LeAnne! It's been fun to see her grow up with your daily photos. Have a great rest of your weekend! :)


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