

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Paper Players 99 & FMS38


It’s Sunday, and another Paper Players Challenge is upon us!  Today, Lesley has a fab & funky color challenge—woo, this one really threw me for a loop!

I went bold and basic today, since these are really strong colors together!  I used my new Betsy’s Blossoms and paired it with Friendly Phrases to make some cards for my top four sellers in my downline:


It’s a bit dificult to see, but I stamped the sentiment on the Basic Gray DP in Stazon; I wish I had heat embossed it, oh well!!!  I added some dry embossing and new stitched ribbon, along with a few strategically-placed pearls!

 DSCF3202 DSCF3203

I also used the sketch from Freshly Made Sketches for this week as well:

I sure hope you’ll fly over to the Paper Players blog and see what the other designers have created with this bold color palette!  And we hope you’ll share your creations as well!

Cassidy wanted to go “wimmin” and decided to take matters into her own hands, going into the storage shed and hauling out her blow-up pool from last year!  All on her own!

 DSCF3166 DSCF3167

Grampy convinced her that playing with her water table would be just as fun:


And between it and the sandbox, she had a blast!!!



  1. Ohhhh...Gorgeous card! Such lovely, vibrant colors. You nailed this challenge beautifully!

  2. Cassidy has the best grandparents.

  3. This is fantabulous, LeAnne! Love the bright and bold colors on the white card base. Hope you have a wonderful day!

  4. Another fabulous card LeAnne. Love it!

    Cassidy is getting so big, it is almost like I know her since I watched her grow before my eyes here on your blog. I would of loved to have gone wimmin' with her in the pool as it is quite hot here too.

  5. LeAnne,
    I have to tell you.. I have been following your blog for quite some time. I love your cards, they are such an inspiration. I thoroughly enjoy the cute pictures of your granddaughter. Thank you for sharing.

  6. These are strong colors and the way you used white definitely made them behave! Beautiful! And you do have a water baby on your hands - just learned about something new - a water table - oh what a list I am making!

  7. I don't know who this Betsy is but she really inspired a fun stamp set! Love this LeAnne! The colors really pop and I really like how you used the "negative" side of the embossing. Look at little miss and her determination with that pool! Ha! She's so dang cute! :)

  8. WOW...Cassidy is growing up fast! She's so precious. Know she loves her grammie! This is a gorgeous card, LeAnne! Those colors are great together...or at least YOU made them look great together. So glad your hopping over the Market Street Stamps. They have fun schtuff! Always good to see you!

  9. Fabulous job with these colors LeAnne. Love how the rounded corner mimics the bird's belly and the bitty flower she's carrying is adorable! As is your sweet little water baby!!

  10. Isn't that amazing she could remember that from last year? I remember my Great Uncle called me come a nd play with a littler bird cage water wheel in the big sink they had. I thought it was the neatest thing. A little plastic thing that went a round with water.
    Beautiful card. Colors I would never have thought to put together but it works great on your card.

  11. I am in LOVE with this color combo! And what a fabulous card! It's bold and sassy! Perfect!

  12. Fabulous use of the colour combo and sketch, Leanne!! Great card :) Kids and can't go wrong LOL!

  13. Cute card- I wouldn't have thought I'd like something with that color combo but you did a wonderful job with it. As for Cassidy... old enough to know what she wants and to go and get it... and young enough to be easily distracted. ;) ? for you- heading to CKC Lancaster this year? Would love to meet you in person if you are.

  14. As usual, you've taken a stamp set to the highest degree! This card is so beautiful. I love every last detail. Thanks for sharing with us at Freshly Made Sketches!

  15. Beautiful. That melon mambo makes the card a real "wow". I'm getting convinced I need that stamp set.

  16. This is so bright and pretty, LeAnne! We were just talking about getting a water table for Jack's 1st birthday. I wonder if he's too short?!! He does like to play in the water.

  17. Gorgeous card, those colors really pop! Thanks for playing with us at Freshly Made Sketches!

  18. Adorable card, LeAnne....and LOL about Cassidy taking matters into her own hands. WTG, little woman. :)

  19. Cassidy cracks me up. My daughter is strong-minded like that! I love your card. It's bright and cheerful and so much fun!


  20. Wow rocked these colours and now I want that set! Ack! Love that huge bloom.

  21. Love, love your card LeAnne! The bold colors are perfect with your choices of stamps and paper. Thanks for sharing!

  22. Wow .... fabulous colours, great texture and loving these new stamps ... this card is perfect!
    My, my, my ... isn't your sweetness growing up quickly ... she's lovely!

  23. Absolutely beautiful card, it's stunning, love the images and the colors, a real show-stopper! Adorable little granddaughter too, how cute she is and so much fun for you, I bet.

  24. Love your card LeAnne! I think the sentiment stands out just fine without the embossing! It's just beautiful! I can't wait to try the Paper Players Challenge this week - if I get time!!! Love the daily updates of Cassidy! You are an awesome Grandma!!! Thanks for joining us this week at Freshly Made Sketches!

  25. What a beautiful card for this fun colour challenge. I love how you've showcased these new stamps.
    I love seeing Cassidy's personality shining through in the sweet things she does.

  26. The gray polka dots are a sweet companion to this pretty little bird and sunburst flower! A delightful card LeAnne!!

  27. What a wonderful card and congratulations on being chosen as a "Princesses". I recognized the stamp set and immediately had to stop by. I just made the decision today to become a SU Independent Demonstrator. I'm so excited. I will be signing up to follow your blog. Your work is beautiful! B

  28. Fabulous card LeAnne! Love your combination of elements & the cute bloom the birdie has in its beak. :)

  29. You are totally rocking Betsy's Blossom! I love the texture. Plus, you nailed the color challenge! LeAnne, you are so incredibly talented and an inspiration to us all!


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