

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


cqc93 banner

Happy Tuesday to everyone---it’s time for another ColourQ , which I have combined with this week’s JUGS Challenge 92, which is to use hand-crafted buttons!  I have done nothing but cards lately, and I really wanted to scrap some of the pictures I had of the baby, and this seemed like the perfect time!  Here’s the challenge:


and here’s my simple page:


It’s always so hard to show details when you’re showing a 12x12 layout, so here are a few closeups.  The buttons are all cut with Nesties, layered and coated with Crystal Effects; some are stamped and others are embossed; the journaling is computer-generated; and the rick rack is from SU’s Tasteful Trim die:






I kept everything simple because I wanted the photos to be the main focus, (plus I am just not that good of a scrapper!!)!  The Peach Parfait background was stamped with flowers from the retired Simply Said set; the buttons were stamped with Circle Circus.  This was a really fun color combo, and I hope you’ll be able to play along with us this week!  Roll on over to the CQC blog to see the other creations and share yours with us as well!  TFL!  Now I am off to convention!

Wee Details:

  • Stamps:  Circle Circus, Simply Said
  • Paper:  Textured Whisper White, Peach Parfait, Pear Pizzazz, Marina Mist, Real Red
  • Ink:  Peach Parfait, Craft White
  • Acc:  Circle, Label 1 & Heart Nesties, Crop-a-Dile, Crystal Effects, Tasteful Trims Die, Baker’s Twine, Square Lattice & Sissix Embossing Folders, Circle Punches, Sewing Machine




  1. LOVE your page...the colors, the wide ric's perfect!

    ...and I just have to say...she has THE bluest eyes! Gorgeous!

  2. Beautiful layout!!!
    Love her gorgeous Blue eyes!!

  3. Great page and the colors go great with the pictures-love the buttons and the pretty blue eyes!

  4. Ol' Blue Eyes had nothin' compared to this kiddo....sweet sweet sweet! See you soon :)

  5. Hey not sure what is cuter....the page or the baby!! Have a great time this week!

  6. LeAnne your page is adorable! I love the color scheme. It's all perfect. Great job on the buttons. I wish I could have gone with you. Have a terrific time...Barb

  7. Oh my goodness she is cute as a button. Those blue eyes could melt any heart. My dad had eyes like that and I didn't get that. Just his bibg feet. LOL
    What do you mean you can't scrap. This is wonderful. Just think of it as a big card with pictures. LOL You are too hard on yourself just like someone else I know. LOL

  8. Ooooohhhhhh, my friend! This is a SPECTACULAR page! I love the balance and play on words, buttons and THAT baby! {Are her eyes REALLY that blue!?!} Looks to me like you had FUN with buttons, and I, for one, am going to keep this technique HANDY! Something soooooo satisfying about creating embellishments like these... Your use of them is TOP notch, in my book! LOVE, love, love, LOVE when you play with your darling friends and HUGE fans, Just Us Girls! xoxoxo!

  9. Oh LeAnne you couldn't have made a more perfect page - the colors - the layout - everything is just right. And Cassidy's eyes just melt my heart - what a sweetie!

  10. You're so blessed to have this beautiful granddaughter! Love your page!!

  11. Wow ... what a little stunner is she with her big blue eyes ... just gorgeous ... absolutely love your layout ... all the finer details just add to the final beauty!!!

  12. LeAnne!!! What a STUNNING layout, made all that much more gorgeous by the sweet little subject!!! LOVE those buttons girl! And, OMG, could her eyes be any more blue?!?! She's a knock-out!!! WOW! Thanks for playing along with Just Us Girls!

  13. Oh my, girl! Where do I start? First of all, how awesome is it that Cassidy's dress matches the color palette perfectly?! LOL Your journaling is so fitting...those big, baby blues melt MY heart and I haven't even met her in person yet!! She is just as sweet as can be ♥ I ADORE your buttons!! You went above and beyond for that ole challenge! LOVE LOVE LOVE that you mixed it up with embossing, stamping, and keeping some CAS. You did a fab job...especially with the Crystal Effects. I smudged mine and had to add another layer over my already thick layer, so my button just looks like a glob of CE over paper! LOL Anywho, thanks for joining us this week and sharing your beautiful photos of the baby. I laughed out loud when I saw Cassidy's picture in the Linky Tool lineup :] I even shared several pages worth of photos with Tia. She thinks she's a doll baby also.

  14. your page is amazing LeAnne ~ and Cassidy looks so grown up....this is happening way too fast!!!

  15. Oh wow, those eyes covered the blue in your page! Such a gorgeous page and gorgeous baby. ;)

  16. That is awesome, LeAnne! LOOOOOVE that sweet page!

  17. Oh. My. Goodness! Those baby blues stand out even more on your adorable layout! Wowza! Love all the fun buttons! I really like how each one is different. Great technique...but then again, I'm a fan of ALL of the awesome inspiration you share! :)


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!