

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Color Throwdown 150

CTD150 banner

I squeaked in some stamping time yesterday and played with the CTD colors:

swatch 150

I had this little digital image from the Vintage Workshop already printed and laying on my desk, so I brayered it with Certainly Celery and went to work!  Not really sure that I like how dark it is, but I’ll pretend that it is dusk….fairies come out at dusk, right?


I found some matching Basic Grey Lemonade papers and some twill ribbons, added a sentiment and some buttons, and I was good to go.  I think this little girl in a garden with her fairy friends is the cutest thing!


Not in the garden, but close enough:




I hope you’ll find some time this week to play along with the CTD girls---here are links for you to check out their fine designs!


  1. I love that it is dark. It looks like an old bit of cloth that you put on the card. Very pretty. Not as pretty as the real garden fairy you have. What a Cutie!

  2. LeAnne your card is just lovely - what a sweet image.
    Speaking of sweet images - look at Cassidy relaxing on the lawn. Don't know how it's possible but this child gets cuter every day!!!

  3. Sweet sweet card and little one! :)

  4. I love how you brayered the image. Your card is beautiful. Hugs,

  5. How cute is the baby! Love it. Your card is gorgeous, too! Theresa x

  6. Beautiful card, LeAnne! many gorgeous details!

  7. Oh my!! I love how you thought to brayer the background to change the color. So basic and yet I never think of brilliant things like that to do!! Your card is awesome! So is your little cutie-patootie! I can't believe how fast she's grown!!

  8. Very beautiful, LeAnne! Love that silhouette image!

  9. I really like how you used the brayer to color coordinate your image. I always forget about that tool. And little miss relaxing on the lawn....precious!! She is so stinkin' adorable LeAnne! :)

  10. This is so pretty LeAnne! Lovely silhouette!


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