

Monday, August 17, 2009

Two Clean & Simple Cards

The CAS Challenge at SCS today was to make a masculine clean & simple problem!  I already had a stack of these made for my August birthday cards for the men at my church, using various pieces of retired DP:


The papers are all Real Red & Night of Navy; sentiment is from Inkadinkadoo's Friendly Advice (thanks again, Caryl!).

I made this one in about 10 minutes:


Leaves and trees are always good for masculine cards.  This is from Lovely as a Tree, stamped in Basic Brown and watercolored with various Earth Elements inks.  I added a little speckle with Itty Bitty Backgrounds, and a Chocolate Chip-stamped sentiment from Flourishes' Sweet Violets.  Base is Ruby Red.  Both cards are 4x5" because I have a big stash of yard-sale-find envelopes in that size!  Thanks for visiting today!


  1. I love both of them. The top one has some humour for the men and the bottom one has the strong oak leaf! I really like the colors you have chosen also.
    Great work!

  2. These are both just great! Love the sentiment on the first one and the second one just goes to show why I hope Lovely as a Tree never gets retired! ~chris

  3. Great cards Leanne, love em both!
    take care

  4. great cards, love the sentiment - how many fingers are you. I hope I can use that one on a card sometime.

  5. I love both of these cards LeAnne! I love your watercoloring of the leaves!

  6. Your first card is so cute, and I love the beautiful leave on the second!! Great cards, LeAnne!!

  7. Great masculine cards! I love the sentiment on the first one... too cute!

  8. Ahhhh simple cards. JUST when I start making the complicated ones.

  9. Both darling cards! I love the saying on the first cute!

    I actually make 5 cards today!! I amazed myself!

  10. Super cute masculine cards, LeAnne! I was just at AC Moore and seen those Inkadinkado stamps there. Shawn & I were reading the sayings and giggling like little kids! They are so funny! TFS

  11. Love how the CAS card (and not just the quote!). I've been feeling the need to mat everything lately so I think I should save a tree and go CAS. I love the card with the leaves, just beautiful!

  12. I love C & S cards, and these are both awesome! I LOVE how you colored the autumn leaves!!

  13. Too cute, love those saying's they're precious. Love the masculine card, thanks for a good idea. I struggle with man cards, LOL.

  14. LeAnne, You make it look so easy.
    Can't wait to come to your classes.
    Keep up the great job. Sharon

  15. The leaves are beautiful! And the kids quotes are so funny! These are both perfect simple cards! Love them!

  16. Fabulousness!!! So hard to pull off with the Dreaded Man Card ... but you rocked the challenge.

    I decided on a leaf image too ... love, love, love yours though! (Wish I could say the same for mine, lol)!


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