

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Three Vintage Christmas Cards


I have a soft heart for vintage images, and Christmas images are right at the top of my list.  I have been playing with some of my new stamp sets, one from Artistic Outpost and the other from Cornish Heritage Farms.

My first card uses a Father Christmas image from Snowy Woods by Artistic Outpost.



The image is stamped in Handsome Hunter and distressed with various green & tan inks; it is mounted on a piece of Fruitcake BG cardstock I have been hoarding!  The image is also from the same set, stamped in Close to Cocoa and daubered.  I forgot I wanted to add glitter to the punched pine boughs, which are really a darker green IRL--the photo has washed all the colors out. It really is a nice, warm, green & brown card!    The ribbon is also HH, retired SU.

The next two are both from a new Cornish Heritage Farms set called Night Before Christmas.  Here's the first:


I was experimenting with my very limited supply of Copics; I actually wasn't even going to make this into a card, but once I cut it out with the Nestability, I just kept going!  The papers are BG Wassail and (I think) Boxer.  The snowflakes were also an experiment; they were punched out (Martha Stewart) and pushed into some Brilliance gold & silver stamp pads I got at a yard sale......worked pretty well!  I added some gingham ribbon for a vintage look.DSCF5007  I am not sure how the sparkly snowflake really complements this sort of grungy-looking card, but as I said, it was an experiment!!!  The ribbon is Soft Suede polka-dotted, flipped to the backside!

Finally, a Bravo Burgundy and Sage Shadow combo:


Bravo Burgundy ink always looks a little odd stamped on BB cardstock; I wish SU would come up with a nicer maroon color!  Anyway, the Leaves backgrounder was stamped at the bottom of the card, edges rounded; the script image was stamped at the top left; holly images were stamped on the Sage Shadow piece. Another little grosgrain ribbon (I seem to be stuck on this ribbon look) tied it together.  Again, this was sort of an experimental card, as I try out these unmounted stamps to get the feel for them, since they are a little different than wood-mounted stamps.  But what space-savers they are!  I haven't glitterfied any of these---maybe I'll go back and add a little for some retro glitz!!

I may be back with another card today, but be sure to come back tomorrow for a new Color Throwdown Challenge as well as the Diva Coffee Break Designs challenge!!!  See you then!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. These beautiful vintage cards really take me back to the good old days! Each one is distinctively unique and beautifully done! I love vintage!

  3. Did you hear my jaw hit the table? LOL OMGosh LeAnne, these are all just wonderful Christmas cards! So beautifully stamped & laid out perfectly! Your "vintage" style is really starting to win over my heart. I'm loving these! TFS

  4. LeAnne,
    I love your little experiments. I'm not a big fan of the vintage look, but LOVE these cards. My daughter in law loves vintage, so I could CASE these for
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Bravo Burgundy and Sage Shadow? Wow, who would have though? It looks great together! I love all of these. You are such a talented stamper! You have added so many cute little details to your cards, and they are perfecttion.

  6. These are all so lovely! I love vintage and Christmas is one of my favs too! Awesome cards!

  7. OMGosh, LeAnne, these cards are so absolutely STUNNING!!!! I love Vintage and these cards are out of this world beautiful!!!! I might have to use them for inspiration ;D;D. Hugs, Sabrina

  8. LeAnne these cards are lovely! I love them all but I think my favorite is the last one!

  9. Wow I love these cards! I love antiques and these cards look like the real thing. Your work is always amazing but this is outstanding.

  10. Love that vintage Santa!! (I have a soft spot for would seem that I am getting quite the collection of them!!)

  11. These are fabulous, LeAnne! The first one is outstanding... what a great image! LOVE the image on the second one, and I think the sparkly snowflakes are a great contrast to the "grunge." And the third one is simply adorable! Love the burgundy and sage together!

  12. OMIGOSH, LeAnne, I LOVE these!!!! You do vintage gooooooood!

    These really should be submitted for publication ... they are amazing, my friend, simply amazing!!

  13. These are all so beautiful! I love the second card the most, probably because I was always sneaking out to see if "he" came yet. But the details on each are just stunning. I think I'll play with some xmas images soon!

  14. WOW, LeAnne, these are ALL absolutely STUNNING!!! Gorgeous vintage!

  15. Oh LeAnne... I love these! I love all things vintage! Super cool!

  16. These are beautiful LeAnne! I love them all!

  17. OMG!!! I love these cards they are so gorgeous. I need to learn how to vintage/distress.
    Thanks for sharing these
    awesome cards :-)

  18. they all gorgeous but I truly love the st nick one...youve done real justice to that stamp.

  19. Oh my! I've missed visiting my fave blogs over the past week & had no idea it was Christmas already! LOL!! I love, love, love these cards!!!!!!!

    They're gorgeous & now I'm all inspired to start planning my Christmas Card Cranks. Thanks for kick starting my holiday season!

  20. OMGosh!! I love them all!!! I love vintage and these are gorgeous!! I sure hope I'm on your Christmas card list ;-)

  21. Beautiful!! I love how you experimented and everything works so well together... LOVE the MS snowflake punch and your garage sale finds on the pads worked perfect with the card! All of them are amazing!! :)

  22. Beautiful Christmas cards, thanks for using Artistic Outpost images.


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