

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Odds and Ends


Just a couple things to share with you today; this card is my thank you card to my in-laws for taking us on their boat last weekend:


Nothing spectacular; the image is CHF's July Stamp of the Month, Harbor Scene, which I watercolored rather poorly; I should have left some white on the boat.  It is stamped in Stazon on watercolor paper and colored with reinkers.  The sentiment is from Flourishes' Violets; the bird image and the inside sentiment are from Crafty Secret's Seaside.  Bashful Blue and Real Red finish the nautical theme.DSCF4638

This one is a CASE of this card by Tami Mayberry; this is for my nephew's birthday, which was yesterday!  Ooops!  I don't know why I have not noticed her creations before this; she has a wonderful CAS style!   The images are from PTI's Star Prints; I just love this set and they fit the SU star punch so nicely!  It also uses the colors of Old Olive, Real Red and Basic Black, which I thought were the SCS challenge colors today----NOT!


I desperately "need" a light tent, as these colors just aren't true despite my adjustments!  This is a CAS card, as most 18-year-old young men are only interested on what's INSIDE the card, right?  Thanks for visiting today!


  1. Love your cards LeAnne!! The boat is colored in so beautifully!! HUGS

  2. I love the card for your inlaws. it is stunningly beautiful. The card for your nephew is great and I know...young men don't care that you made it special for them, just what comes out of it!

  3. What a great card!! I love it!
    Hope all is well with you...
    I happen to LOVE boating...

  4. Colored poorly???? You're crazy!! This is gorgeous and looks perfect the way it is! The coloring goes extemly well with the image :)

  5. I think your watercoloring is wonderful! Both cards are great!

  6. Gorgeous boat stamp Leanne, and glad you enjoyed your boating trip too!

  7. Oh sigh...I love the elegance and simplicity of both the designs LeAnne! Lovely work!

  8. I need a light tent too... think we could ask for donations? ha ..

  9. Both cards are fantastic, LeAnne!!! I know your in-laws will appreciate theirs and your nephew--yeah, he'll only be interested in what's in it, LOL! But WE love your card!!

  10. Awesome cards, LeAnne! LOVE the beautiful coloring on the first one, and the clean and simple design of the second one is awesome!

  11. I wish my "rather poorly" coloring looked like that! :0 I love that card---the big eyelet on the corner REALLY adds alot!


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