

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Color Throwdown #52

CTD52 swatch

Barbara is today's hostess, and her colors of Perfect Plum, Certainly Celery and Chocolate Chip, were perfect for my creation!  Today's sponsor is Clear and Simple Stamps, and the stamp set I am using is called Fresh from the Garden.  They are wonderful clear stamps---I had a lot of fun using them!  We would love to see what you can come up with using these colors, and if you have any Clear and Simple stamps, feel free to use them!  Remember that if you don't have the exact colors, use something similar, and since we do have a sponsor this week, there are some guidelines, as well as a prize being offered, so be sure to check out ALL the details on the CTD blog!


Since my stamps were of a garden theme, I used them to make a simple recipe card.  I didn't want to add a lot of embellishments which would make my card too thick, so I simply did some layering, typed out my recipe and then embellished the card with a scallop and a stamped eggplant colored with a Perfect Plum marker.  The tab, which was punched with SU's Tab Punch, was stamped in Perfect Plum, as was the little seed packet and the word "eggplant" on the scallop.  Because these are clear stamps, I could curve the word to fit the shape of my scallop!  I finished my recipe on the other side and added another little sentiment and some more veggies at the bottom.


When having a potluck or covered dish, it is nice to have a little sign to tell people what your dish is!  For the little salad "poke" sign, I simply stamped the lettuce image in Perfect Plum and colored it with a Certainly Celery marker, and adhered it to some layers.  DSCF4625To make the poke itself, I diecut a circle in Perfect Plum and used the horizontal slot punch to make two slots:



Stuck in a wooden skewer and added some dimensionals:DSCF4626 

And adhered my stamped image:


For the "flag", I used my computer to print out my salad name, then trimmed and folded it; I added a glue dot right at the fold and glued it to the poke.   Now lets see what the others have created:


  • Stamps:  Fresh from the Garden, Clear & Simple
  • Ink:  Perfect Plum, Certainly Celery, Chocolate Chip
  • Paper:  Very Vanilla, Perfect Plum, Chocolate Chip, Certainly Celery
  • Acc:  Scallop Punch, Circle Punches, Tab Punch, Dimensionals, Skewer, Dauber, Horizontal Slot Punch, Markers


  1. Oooh sooo cute! lovely tutorial too!

  2. Just adore that little poke sign - how cute is that!

  3. Fabulous idea!!!!
    I love how you used the darling images and colors!!!
    Brilliant, LeAnne!

  4. What a clever idea! Love the recipe card and the poke sign is so creative! Thanks for sharing!!

  5. Fantastic idea to do a recipe card!!! I love it!!!

  6. Now this is a fun one!! I have to say that your card this week sure is yummy!! :) Love the fun little signs!! HUGS

  7. I'm not very adventurous when it comes to trying new foods, but your cute presentation makes me want to give these a whirl!

  8. Cute, cute, cute!!! I LOVE the ideas you came up with for this set, LeAnne! The recipe card is fabulous and what a great idea to make the potluck tag for your salad! Awesome work, lady!

  9. Hey LeAnne.....this is an awesome idea...I love it!! I think your recipe sounds yummy too! TFS
    I'm gonna try to take a stab at the CTD again today...Here goes!
    Have a great day!

  10. oh my LeAnne this is adorable and so practical. What hostess wouldn't want this on her table....awesome job...~Donna

  11. Ack! This is so cute! The recipe card was a great idea and the poke sign is adorable!!

  12. LeAnne, this was a brilliant way to use this stamp set! I love your recipe card and the "poke" sign!

  13. I'm loving this little set you created for the CTD! It's just perfect when taking a dish to a picnic or dinner. Everyone knows exactly what it is instead of playing guessing games, and btw, TFS what looks like a great recipe!

  14. What a tidy little poke sign, I love it.
    That is a super cute recepie card.

  15. Okay I'm gunna try to make it;o) The soup that is! TFS

  16. Awesome recipe! What an awesome job!

  17. Very creative, This is the first time I have visited your blog, very nice, going to be back again to look around for more. Thank you for visiting my blog, and Yes "The Gardens" are awesome, I've been there many times. Living so close to there, You would definitely recognize it. Happy crafting, Jill

  18. you are very talented and your blog is absolutely amazing. I adore all your creations and will be back often . Love your style!

    The recipe card is marvelous!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!