

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Fall to Inspirations

Wow, I don't usually get to stamp or post on Saturdays---always a busy day, but DH worked today and I got my stamp room a little bit cleaned up, filling up the shelves he put up yesterday.   Clean and Simple Stamping  had two layouts to peruse:

Fall to Layout #45a Fall to Layout #45b

and the Inspiration Challenge #83 on SCS today had some really cute rooms and bedding, so I decided to make two cards!  These are both 3x3 cards, which are fun, but challenging to get everything on there, sort of in miniature!  The first was inspired by this room:

DSCF4303 This uses a new stamp set from the upcoming SU catalog called Circle Circus, as well as a new sentiment, Teeny Tiny Wishes.  The image was stamped in Versamark, then Sahara Sand, then clear embossed.  All the other elements were distressed with Sahara Sand ink as well.  Sentiment is stamped in Basic Gray.

The next one was inspired by this room and has a totally different feel:

DSCF4301 There's not a lot of stamping on this!  Polka dots from PTI's Polka Dot Basics; sentiment from Trendy Trees.  Punched circles of Only Orange and a diecut stem form the flower, and I found some fun dotted orange ribbon in my stash!

Thanks for visiting today!  Oh, here are a couple before & after photos of my stamping area.....not anything fancy like some I have seen, but much better for me!


Big empty space on the wall...everything used to be on the table.


Now, two large, long shelves, with lighting underneath!  And still room for more stuff! (Sorry for the bad pix).



Ah, a semi-clean space!  My stamps are behind me....still working on that area!


  1. How fun - love seeing, after all these years,"where" you do all your wonderful creations !

    Very nifty, and I am so jealous of how neat and tidy it is, even if it doesn't last too long!

  2. Your stamp room looks fantastic!! There's nothing like having a beautiful designated spot to create :-) I just love this card you posted, what a great way to create a flower, and the colours make the card happy & fun!!

  3. Wow! You did an amazing job with the mini sketches! Love them both!

  4. Alright sister, where did you get that wooden ink carousel?!?!

    Your room looks fabulous!! LOVE the shelving and lighting!! Can't wait to see it in person (at your first Christmas card class).

    LOVE the cards, especially the little paper flower!!

  5. Love your studio! I am excited to have mine soon :) Hugs, Liza

  6. Ooh wow! how tidy! mine looked like that a while back... gone all to pot now! lol all a mess again! looks fab in there now tho! have fun crafting in your new space!

  7. Harriet Skelly (SCS hskelly)June 6, 2009 at 3:21 PM

    I love cards LeAnne!

  8. I love your table, it is rustic/antique looking. Great stamping space!

  9. LeAnne you are such an inspiration with all these cute cards! I love all the cards you've made over the last few days and I really wish I could come and stamp with you!

  10. two great cards LeAnne, I love that there's very little stamping on them. Sometimes that's a welcome change. You're stamping area looks very inviting and organized with your new shelves! I love the lights underneath them! Enjoy :)

  11. What a SWEET hubby helping you put up shelves and such awesome lighting!!! Love your large table... TFS!

    I like your CAS cards... Fun colors and I do need to challenge myself more with their layout! Hugs and have a super weekend LeAnne!! :)

  12. Looking good! I can only wish my room looked that good! ~chris

  13. Wonderful CAS cards! TFS the peek into your stamping space...I love to see where others create.

  14. Your cards and stamping area are wonderful!!!!

  15. That first card is just plain elegant! And the second is sure to brighten someone's day! Your stamp room is looking GOOD!!!

  16. Lovely stamping area! Great big table! I am still so disorganized! Waiting for Tammy's hubby to make me some shelves, hmpf!

    Love your cards! The sweet button is just the perfect embellishment on the first one...and I LOVE the funky flower on the other! Great!

  17. Wow, I love your cards! And I love your stamp room!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Now I know of another great blog to visit on a regular basis---yours!

    Aloha Jan

  18. I love that table!!! This is my first visit and your watermelon card drew me here!

  19. LOVE these cards, and love your new stamping space! What a sweet hubby!


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