

Monday, June 8, 2009

CAS Thank You

I needed a quick thank you card for my club hostess from Friday; she made me this cute little pin from a bamboo placemat slat (among many other things):


so I checked the CAS Challenge at Splitcoast to see what I could come up with!  The challenge is to use pink or coral with Kraft and another color of your choice.  I had been wanting to do a pink Trendy Trees card, so the FIRST one I came up with was this:


I do like this, but it really doesn't fit my definition of clean and simple.  So I revamped it down a bit:


Plus I got to use my fun Funky Forest wheel on this one!  It is definitely clean and simple!  So I am not sure which one I will send her.  This is something else she made for us:


It was so big it wouldn't fit on my counter! And it was yummy!

Hopefully after all my boring chores and paperwork I will have a little more time to stamp today!  Thanks for coming to visit me!

  • Stamps:  Trendy Trees, Short & Sweet, Funky Forest
  • Paper:  Kraft, Very Vanilla, Sweet Always DP
  • Ink:  Regal Rose, Chocolate Chip, Close to Cocoa, Creamy Caramel
  • Acc:  Wide Oval Punch, Distresser, Taupe Taffeta Ribbon, Oval Punch, SAMJ, Dimensionals


  1. I love both card so so much!! Interesting to see your 1st version and then a more CAS version. Thanks!! Very inspirational!

  2. Soooo I was wondering how I could make one like this and realized I don't have this set or wheel. I do however have the cupcake wheel and Crazy For Cupcakes set. I see a cupcake card coming on!! ;-)

  3. Both of them are gorgeous!!!! I love that pink and kraft together and you really do make CAS look like a piece of art. That cake ain't bad looking either ;-)

  4. OMG - That CAKE looks fabulous!! I would have been FIRST in line!! yum yum yum!!
    Your CAS cards are awesome . . . I like the second one the best. Haven't seen that wheel used too much - I LOVE how you used it!

  5. your CAS and the not so CAS are both awesome. I love cutesy stamps :)

  6. Great job on the card! Trendy Trees is a 'go to' stamp for me. Great color combo. Love how this turned out.

  7. These are brill, and that cake! oh my word! would i have loved a bit of that! god it looks gorgeous!

  8. Oh Yum! That cake looks divine! Both cards are so pretty! And your pin is too...what lovely things to get!

  9. I really like both of those cards, but the one with the wheel is really cute! That cake ... omg ... I can feel the pounds coming on just from looking at it! ~chris

  10. LOVE your cards..your work is always so pretty!

    Now...the cake....{sigh} I'm totally hungry now!!! :)

  11. WOW! It is a beautiful card. The pink you used is awesome and the card is absolutely adorable...HUGS...SK :)

    PS: Thank you for visiting my blog {wink}

  12. Both cards are wonderful but I really like the layered one with the splash of pink dsp. I love the stamp set you used.....I bought it but am having trouble using it without a stamp-a-ma-jig! I'll keep practicing:)Got cake? YUM-OH-MY!!!That looks downright luscious!!

  13. You are on FIRE girl! LOVE both versions and then you tempt me with a yummy desert!! LOL... Take care LeAnne! SMILES... Michelle :)

  14. I borrowed Trendy Trees from a friend and haven't used it yet. Now I know what to do with it! LOL I'm CASE'ing these cards since I have NO mojo lately! :)

  15. Oh my goodness! I miss visiting your site for a few days and now I'm just overwhelmed with all the gorgeous projects you have posted. Shame on me!!!

    Thanks for sharing all your talent with us mere mortals. I'm just in awe of what you do! :-)


  16. Wow LeAnne, I love both these cards but possibly the second more so. That set and wheel are two of my new favourites and think I will have to CASE these -just gorgeous!

  17. Two questions:

    WHAT is the pin made of?


    WHAT is in that dessert??!! - OH MY, delish!

    Love your work - thanks for sharing,

  18. Hi Rollercoaster (didn't have your email address)!
    The pin is stamped on polyshrink plastic, colored, cut out and shrunk down with a heat gun, then mounted on a piece of bamboo cut from a place mat. There are holes in the pieces of bamboo where they are woven together; that is where she put the curly wire.
    The dessert is a strawberry was long and narrow, not sure what kind of pan she baked it in, but it had a cream filling and strawberries in between ! Yum!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!