

Saturday, September 27, 2008

OCC Challenge In Stitches

I haven't participated in an "Our Creative Corner" Challenge for a while, and since we were away most of the day, I snuck in some stampin' after we got home and DH was watching the ballgame.  (The Phillies won--yahoo!)  We had gone to the Italian Market in Philadelphia with some friends of ours, and also to a warehouse to buy wine supplies.  My hubby and his friend both like to make their own wine.  The whole trip was quite an experience for a farm girl like me.  Let's just say it was fun, but it was nice to be home.  One highlight was, that as I was coming out of one of the stores on 9th St., I saw a guy with a T-shirt with our school name on it.  When he turned around, it was someone I graduated with in 1972 and probably hadn't seen in a BUNCH of years.  So there we were, talking about our kids and school, on a street corner in South Philly!  Go figure.

Anyway, on to my card!  The challenge this week was to sew on your card--real or faux.  My girlfriend just brought me a pair of pants to repair, so I thought I would kill two birds with one stone.  I fixed the pants, and CASE'd Peanutbee's card while I was at it, because OCCC also has another challenge, which is to CASE one of their designers.  I made a couple little changes to mine, but the basic layout is the same.  So here we go:

09-27-08 OCC Challenge

Let me just say that I like to sew.  I learned in 4H as a child and from my mom, and have made lots & lots of clothes for myself, my sisters and brother, my mom, my school friends and my daughter.  Sewing on fabric is can rip out and start over.  Sewing on cardstock is not.  So although it FELT as if I was sewing in a straight line, you can see that I wasn't.  Pair that with plaid Manchester DP paper that is on the diagonal and you get the effect that these skaters will probably fall over from dizziness!  Oh well, I still like the card.  I am trying to make samples with Winter Post, and I just keep coming back to these skaters....I really need to use some of the other stamps in the set too!

  • Stamps:  Winter Post, Everyday Flexible Phrases
  • Paper:  Bordering Blue, Very Vanilla, Sahara Sand, Manchester DP
  • Ink:  Basic Brown
  • Acc:  Markers, DD Glitter, Twill, 1/16" punch, Linen Thread, Martha Stewart Snowflake Punch, Glittery Dots from Gina K, sewing machine


  1. Love your card - I think the stitching looks great. If I had room to keep my sewing machine out I would sew on more cards, too.

  2. I got this set last week and have been itching to use it! Your card is beautiful! Love the soft colors!

  3. I love the DP, especially paired with the ice skating image. Very pretty!

  4. That dp sets of the image soooo nicely! Love the glittery snowflake accent, too. Great job with the stiching challenge - thansk for playing!


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