

Monday, September 29, 2008

Clean & Simple NMBS Challenge

Just a quick post today....I belong to a group of SU demos called "No More Bad Swaps"; a name that is bound to make people sit up & take notice, but it just means we are committed to quality in our swaps.  They have a weekly challenge, found here, which I have just not had the time to play, but today's was a sketch.  Since I suddenly seem to need some sympathy cards, I decided to use the sketch and make some clean & simple, masculine cards.  I used cards that I had already had cut, but hadn't used, from my last stamp club; the DP is from Autumn Vine and Ski Slope from the new Holiday Mini; and the image is from Pocket Silhouettes, which I can't seem to get away from!  Sentiment is from Fresh Cuts.  I wanted to use something like "thinking of you" but I cannot find one stamp set that has that sentiment in my whole SU collection!!!

NMBS 09-29-08 challenge

I used Chocolate Chip & Sage Shadow markers to give the silhouettes two colors; the jumbo eyelet was set with my crop-a-dile, and the ribbon is the new Sage Shadow grosgrain from SU.  Clean & simple.  Be sure to check out the samples on the NMBS blog!  TFL!

  • Stamps:  Fresh Cuts, Pocket Silhouettes
  • Paper:  WW, Sage Shadow, Choc Chip, Autumn Vine & Ski Slope DP
  • Ink:  Choc Chip
  • Acc:  Markers, CAD, SS Grosgrain Ribbon


  1. Sorry to hear that you need sympathy cards...but man oh man, this is gorgeous!!

  2. What a fabulous card - wonderful use of colour and papers and a gorgeous image

    hugs Bev x

  3. This is beautiful, LeAnne! I love the soft gradation of the colors in the image and the ribbon treatment and layout are just wonderful!!

  4. Oh, it's perfect! I love the colors you chose and the simple focal image. TFS! Beth

  5. Love this! I love those pocket silhouettes too! Who would have thought those simple images could be used so many different ways? Lovely colors, too! Keep 'em comin'!

  6. LeAnne, this card is FABULOUS!!!! Lovin' the layout, the colors ... everthing!

  7. I LOVE these colors!!! This card could be used several ways. You've got another winner!!!

  8. This is fantastic, and with my favorite stamp set!
    (I always love when you visit my blog, you have such kind things to say!)


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