

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Four Fast Cards

I did not think I would be able to participate in the Featured Stamper Challenge today as we were going to be visiting friends most of the day. As the time approached, I realized there would be four other mothers there and it would be nice to have cards to give them! I had ABOUT 20 minutes in which to do, I checked out the FS showcase, found a quick easy card here, and I whipped these out in record time. I stalk Jennifer's blog often, as she is one of my favorite stamper/bloggers! There are no major embellishments, but I did "cheat" and use my retired SU scalloped scissors. I would have liked to have been able to add some glitter, but I just ran out of time! They really seemed appreciative though, and enjoyed them! Now I am going to get into my jammies and curl up on the couch to watch some chick TV and finish my NY Times crossword.
I hope all the moms out there had a wonderful Mother's Day!
Stamps: Enjoy Every Moment, Sweet Shapes
Paper: Groovy Guava, Groovy Guava Prints DP, WW, Cert Celery
Ink: Groovy Guava
Acc: Circle Punches, Scalloped Scissors


  1. These are adorable! Love them.

  2. these look so great!

  3. WOW, made these 4 fabulous cards in 20 mins! How pretty!! I bet they were very much appreciated! Nice job on casing Jennifer. She has a terrific gallery!

    Have a great day!

  4. WOW! I am impressed that you can make four cards in 20 minutes!! These are lovely, LeAnne - way to go!!

  5. LOVE them!!! I love sweet & simple cards and these fit the bill. Also love the scalloped edges. Great job! I am sure all the ladies loved them.

  6. These turned out wonderful and only 20 minutes? Wow! You go girl!

  7. These turned out awesome--and I can't believe you did it in 20 minutes! Great job!

  8. Thanks for all of your sweet comments on my blog! I looove this little set of cards! I'm currently working on some sets for a local baby expo in my's so much fun! I'm also impressed with your speed...I need some more practice!!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!