

Friday, May 9, 2008

Beginner's Workshop

I have been preparing for a workshop for beginner stampers. Making my samples very simple and using basically only one or two sets, helps the guests feel they can replicate the projects without a huge financial outlay!! I chose Nursery Necessities as my main set; I also stepped up the projects with some sentiment stamps, designer paper, ribbon, brads, gel pen, punches and Hodgepodge Hardware. The boy's sailboat card I CASE'd from my sideline, Kim, shown here. The chipboard key tag was an idea from Ali, shown here. Since this is a workshop, all ingredients are Stampin' Up!. Enjoy! (I apologize for the pictures scattered all over the place---I just can't get them to go where I want!!)


  1. These are all such wonderful workshop cards. Your ladies are going to have so much fun!

  2. LeAnne--I love these cards---I tried to comment earlier and my internet flipped out for a moment---anyway, I was telling you that I LOVE being reminded that you don't have to have a lot of fancy stuff to make a really nice card---thanks for the great ideas.

  3. GREAT workshop cards!! They're perfect to show that you can make a WOW card with just a few pieces of paper. Have fun!

  4. Leanne,

    They are totally adoreable! I love the simplicity of them along with the colors! Great job!

  5. Hey LeAnne~I just wanted to personally "Thank You" for the Blogging With A Purpose Award you gave me the other day! It made my day!

    Your workshop cards are so awesome! I hope your ladies have so much fun making these because they are fabulous! Nice idea's!

    Have a great day & Happy Mother's Day!

  6. These are terrific cards! I've never really done a beginner class, but I'm thinking I might put one together with the new SU! catalog. You've inspired me!

  7. This is great...beginners will love this. You are so talented :)

  8. Thanks for leaving me a comment on my blog. I came to visit your's and I just like what I see. I really like these beginner cards--I forget that simple can still be adorable. I also enjoyed reading your profile--especially the part about glorifying God. It's always nice to meet a fellow Christian. I'll be coming back from more ideas. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!