

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Valentine Card--Sort Of

Well, here is my sad attempt at a Valentine's Day card. It is based on a Splitcoaststampers Challenge here. I love the template they used, but in my attempt to be creative, I just overthought the whole thing. Could be that I was working on this at midnight! I think I will try again with some more traditional colors, because I see lots of potential in it! I do love the Basic Grey Fruitcake paper....I was hoarding it, but the red in this sheet was begging to be made into a Valentine, since I didn't use it for Christmas!! Thanks for looking!
Stamps: Baroque Motifs, Tres Chic, Sanded, Trimtastic
Paper: Basic Grey Fruitcake, Conf. Cream, Cr Caramel, Mellow Moss
Ink: Cr Caramel, White, Mellow Moss, Close to Cocoa
Acc: Floss, Hodgepodge Hardware

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