

Monday, January 14, 2008

Hostess Thank You

I find myself tending to go to the same colors all the time.....I guess I am in a rut! After seeing all the pretty Valentine cards everyone is making, I think I need to break out and do something bold. This isn't it!!!
This is an easy Thank You card I made for one of my Stamp Club hostesses. These sweet club members are all just beginning to get into stamping and I want them to realize that with just one versatile set, you have a lot of options. This set is Enjoy Every Moment, which SU gave out as a sales incentive set last fall. I think I will be using this LOTS!!! Sorry for the poor photo quality. It is rainy & cloudy here, (wish it would snow!) so it's hard to get a good photo. Thanks for looking!
Stamps: Enjoy Every Moment (SU)
Paper: Soft Sky, Barely Banana, Whisper White
Ink:Soft Sky, Barely Banana, Craft White
Acc: Grosgrain Ribbon, White Gel Pen

1 comment:

  1. Another clean, crisp beauty!! I check your blog first thing every morning ... no pressure or anything!! haha!! Love the card. Need to get back to stamping ... my "free" therapy! ~smo


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