

Monday, April 24, 2023

Countryside Corners

Happy Monday, peeps! Hope you had a good weekend! I was playing around with my new Countryside Corners stamps and dies last week....I love the coordinating papers, all those BLUES make me happy!  So here we go:

I stamped the large image a couple of times in Craft White ink, once on Boho Blue and another on Night of Navy, then carefully cut them out with the dies.  I did a smaller panel on Basic White, stamping it with Balmy Blue and adding a sentiment from Quiet Meadow:

Everything was mounted on a piece of Countryside Inn, then on a Bojo Blue card base.  I did add a wee bit of Boho Blue ribbon on the side for an embellishment!  These colors make me happy!  Thanks for popping in today!

We had a bit of summer-like weather over the last few days (not today, though!).  Dana caught up on some reading on the hammock, along with Ginger:

I am sure if Eden tried to get up there, the whole hammock would have given way, LOL!  Meanwhile, in Isle of Palms, South Carolina, where my sister lives (near Charleston), this view was right off her porch:

I believe this is called a shelf cloud, I could be wrong though!  It only brought a little bit of wind and rain and blew right through, but how impressive is that?!  

Enjoy your day and be blessed!

The disciples went and woke him, saying "Lord, save us! We're going to drown."  He replied, "You of of little faith, why are you so afraid?"  Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.  The men were amazed and asked, "What kind of man is this?  Even the winds and the waves obey him!"  Matthew 8:25-27

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Countryside Borders, Quiet Meadow
Card stock & Papers     Basic White, Boho Blue, Night of Navy, Countryside Inn DSP
 Ink Craft White, Boho Blue, Balmy Blue
Accessories Boho Blue Ribbon
Tools     Cut & Emboss Machine, Countryside Borders Dies, Stamparatus


  1. That's a lot of blue for an orange person :-) My DSP is still picking! What a great shot of that "shelf" cloud and a tad scary! How old is Ginger now?

  2. I love all those blues! I like how you used the stamp in this bundle. That cloud that your sister saw: WOW!

  3. Such a pretty card, LeAnne! Love, love, love the Boho Blue color and those beautiful papers! Wow, that was some picture your sister took! Yes, they are called shelf clouds and so cool to see!

  4. Blues [on the grey side] that I can totally love, a sweet card, dog, and fabulous cloud!!! ALL OF THIS ON A MONDAY?? I don't know how you do it, LeAnne, but you made my day!
    All fabulous...

  5. What lovely shades of blue those are and you used them perfectly! Ginger looks like she has her eye on something, so cute! That cloud is incredible and would have me running for cover ~ wow!!

  6. I sooo want the Countryside suite, can't wait. Love your cards, dog and cloud pictures. TFS


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