

Thursday, March 23, 2023

HSS410 Hand-Penned Petals

Happy Thursday, peeps!  The weekend is almost upon us....bringing rain, rain, rain!  Well, I guess it will be a good time to stay inside and stamp!  I had Hand Penned Petals on my desk from another project and thought it would be good to use with the color challenge from Hand Stamped Sentiments this week as well as the sketch from FMS:

So here we go:

This is such a pretty image, I am not sure why I haven't used it more!  After stamping and diecutting the image, I mounted it on a Basic White panel diecut with the new Radiating Stitches die that was sponged with some Balmy Blue ink.  A wee bit of Fresh Freesia DSP formed a mat, and I did some paper piecing of various strips of Balmy Blue DSP to create the horizontal piece.

The sentiment is from Happiness Abounds.  I have another friend getting knee surgery today and I may send this to her as an encouragement card!  Thanks for visiting today!  Enjoy it and be blessed!

The heavesn declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.  Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.  There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.  Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.  Psalm 19:1-4

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Happiness Abounds, Hand-Penned Petals, Friends are Like Seashells (speckles)
Card stock & Papers     Basic White, Fresh Freesia DSP, Balmy Blue DSP, Country Gingham DSP
 Ink Memento Black, Fresh Freesia, Balmy Blue, Pearl Pizzazz
Accessories Dimensionals
Tools     Cut & Emboss Machine, Penned Flowers Dies, Radiating Stitched Dies, Blending Brush


  1. This is beautiful, LeAnne! I really like the Hand Penned stamp set and like you I have not used it enough either! You may have inspired me to pull it out and play with it today! I like the colors on your card and of course, those Radiating Stitched Dies! Nothing better to do on a rainy, dreary day than stamp! Have fun!

  2. Oh, this is so pretty. I love this color combo. I've been thinking about pulling out this set. TFS!!

  3. Wow, so gorgeous and fresh in our colors! You're making me rethink the layering dies, too, lol. Just super sweet! Thanks so much for playing at Hand Stamped Sentiments!

  4. I agree that this one should be shared more, LeAnne! So beautiful and I love your Spring-y colors that must always include some shade of lilac, right?

  5. It is a pretty image and I like the pastel colors you filled it with! Marvelous card, LeAnne!

  6. So soft and pretty! What a beautiful bouquet.

  7. Beautiful card! I love all the little details, like the stitched die, the blended and splatter background and the paper piecing on the stripe. Great balance of the colours in this challenge! Thanks for joining us at HSS!

  8. The soft colors are gorgeous, LeAnne! Thanks for playing along with us at FMS this week.

  9. Nothing better than a rainy days and stamps! Your use of the color combo is brilliant and so soft and sweet! I have so many dsp scraps and will be CASEing your idea with the strip of them that you placed behind the flowers! Very clever! Thanks for joining the hand stamped sentiments challenge!

  10. This is such a pretty card! I just love those beautiful flowers and soft colours! Thanks for joining us this week at Freshly Made Sketches!

  11. I love how you've put all this together LeAnne - i really like the soft sponging behind the flowers and the pieces of DSP - our colours look so pretty here - thanks for playing along with us again at HSS


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