

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

AHSC483 Congrats

Happy Tuesday, peeps!  I got some new goodies and have been itching to play with them!  The Cottage Wreath bundle is so fun...if you like wreaths, you will like this one!  I used the Atlantic Hearts Sketch challenge to get started:

And here is my fall wreath:

I have a friend in my TOPS group (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) who reached a major goal and so I thought she would appreciate a little congrats card!  I stamped the wreath in Crumb Cake and Cajun Craze, then added some Soft Suede acorns and Cajun Craze leaves:

I added some Cajun Craze banners, a panel of Very Vanilla, diecut with the Stitchery background plate, and it all went on a Crumb Cake card on which I stamped the Knit Together background stamp.  I added some Braided Trim, along with a tag with a sentiment from Hand-Penned Petals.  I'll hand-write a note on the inside!  Thanks for visiting today!

Enjoy your day and be blessed!

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Cottage Wreath, Hand-Penned Petals, Knit Together
Card stock & Papers     Very Vanilla, Crumb Cake, Rustic Harvest DSP, He's the Man DSP, Cajun Craze DSP
 Ink Cajun Craze, Crumb Cake, Soft Suede
Accessories Braided Trim (ret), Dimensionals
Tools     Big Shot, Stitchery Die, Country Wreath Dies, Stylish Shapes Dies


  1. Great take on the design. Your friend will love it. Cassidy is maturing right before our eyes!

  2. What a gorgeous wreath! Love that Cajun spiced red, LeAnne! And the acorns are as sweet as they can be!

  3. Oh, I love a wreath! The sketch and colors you chose are great for your fall wreath design.

  4. The colors and textures all look wonderful together on this card! I just love the knitted look of the card base! Beautifully crafted and designed, and oh my goodness, is that Miss Cassidy all grown up? Where have all those years gone?!

  5. Stunning, LeAnne! Love the colors and the beautiful stitched panel behind. Thank you so much for sharing this pretty card at Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge.

  6. Love this! So many pretty details! The little acorns on the wreath are really cute! Great use of the sketch.
    Thanks for sharing with Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge.
    Patty S, Design Team

  7. What a pretty card. The colors are so amazing! Thank you for joining us this week at the Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge and look forward to seeing you again soon!
    Anna, AHSC Design Team


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