

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

TCC172 Spring Boots

Hi stampers!  Time for a new Card Concept challenge, where we describe the concept we use to create our cards!  Here's the pretty prompt for this week's challenge:

What a pretty spring vignette!  I was enamored by those pretty boots, so here's my Clean-and-Layered card for today:

Truthfully, I had this card started with something else in mind, but when I saw the challenge photo, I changed it up a bit!  The boots were stamped in Petal Pink on some rosebud paper from BoBunny's Pincushion collection.  They are so cute, I wish I had a pair just like it!

I stamped, colored and diecut the other elements of the card:  watering can, flower pot and tulips....then layered them on a piece of Basic White cut with the Scalloped Contours dies.  I also stamped the little seed packet with Versamark ink on the Calypso Coral card base, then heat-embossed it with clear embossing powder.  The sentiment is from Best Year!  

I also added a little bit more color on the flowers with my watercolor pencils!  This is certainly a bright card...hopefully it will cheer up the recipient!  And hopefully you'll be able to play along with us as well!  Be sure to tell us what your "concept" is (you can see the details on the Card Concept blog) as well!  Thanks for visiting today!

The drama continues....this silly pup!

She is bound and determined to stay in that wee little bed!!  Enjoy your day and be blessed!

"The wicked plots against the righteous and gnashes his teeth at him, but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he see that his day is coming."  Psalm 37:12-13

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Flowering Rain Boots, Best Year
Card stock & Papers     Basic White, Calypso Coral, Pincushion (BoBunny)
 Ink Versamark, Smoky Slate, Pear Pizzazz, Calypso Coral, Cajun Craze
Accessories Dimensionals, Clear Embossing Powder
Tools     Big Shot, Rain Boots Dies, Scalloped Contours Dies, Heat Tool, Watercolor Pencils


  1. Your card is gorgeous, LeAnne! I especially loved those flowered boots! Very pretty colors and what a great card for Spring! Oh my, those doggies just make me giggle! Eden is determined to fit in that little bed! LOL

  2. LeAnne I just love the 'newsprint' inking these stamps give you - so darling!
    Someone really needs to put Ginger's bed INSIDE Eden's bed! These two are inseparable - in Eden's thoughts that is!

  3. Eden is too funny! Will Ginger sleep in the big bed? I love your boots too. I didn't think I wanted this set but it was available to me for attending our quarterly team meeting Sunday and I will receive it soon!

  4. Love the card. Just ordered the stamp set and dies.

  5. This is so cute and springy! Bring on the sunshine! And the dog saga cracks me

  6. I think your boots are so CUTE! This is a sweet card, LeAnne. Oh Eden... and little Ginger's head popping up!

  7. I adore this card SO much LeAnne ~ those boots!!!! right, now I want to take out that set and play with it again!!!! Have a great day :-)

  8. Such a cute card! Love the colors and layout. The dogs are just hilarious!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!